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Final project RS-Clone Frontend Course 2022Q3 by @zhannach, @pnmrvvtl, @adwasar

Project description:

Regaining your health in an unhealthy world requires thinking and acting differently. It requires putting your trust not in industry ads or dogma, but in science and nature. It means trusting in the surprising power of your own body to return to health, given the right environment and evidence-based lifestyle changes. Our project working with Fitness API and Spoonacular API. After user input some values about himself our app can propose personal data for this user about health and propose meal plan for user.

Used stack:

  • Typescript 4.9.4
  • React 18.2.0
  • React-router 18.2.0
  • React-google-maps 2.18.1
  • Firebase 9.17.1
  • Axios 1.3.2
  • Material-UI 5.11.6
  • Webpack 5.75.0
  • Sass 1.56.1
  • Chart.js 4.2.1

Used API:



  • npm run start - starting App on live server on local machine on address http://localhost:3000/
  • npm run build-dev - building development version of app at directory "dist"
  • npm run build-prod - building production version of app at directory "dist"
  • npm run clear - clear directory "dist"
  • npm run test - run ts-jest tests


  1. Step1: After downloading this repo type "npm run start" or type URL address of our site to your web browser and you'll see main page of our app: step1 instruction

  2. Step2: Click on "Log In" in user menu of click on page "Start program" on main page to start working with app: step2 instruction

  3. Step3: Type your email and password for registration. Also, you can skip registration and login with Google account. If you registered with email and password you need to log in with email and password next times: step3 instruction

  4. Step4: After that you need to input data about you in 28 questions. After answer on every question click on the button "Continue": step4 instruction

  5. Step 5: After answering all question click on button "Generate my meal plan" and wait when loading finished: step5 instruction

  6. Step 6: After loading finished app will propose you to give information about your location. It needs for proposing you the nearest sport areas. Also, on this page you can see information about your BMI and your fitness data: step6 instruction

  7. Step 7: If you agreed to give location data in the end of the page you'll see map with the nearest sports areas for you: step7 instruction

  8. Step 8: On this result page you can click on button "Get my meal plan" or click on link in main menu "Meal plan" for go to the personal meal plan: step8 instruction

  9. Step 9: On the meals plan page you can add any you want meal to you favourite by clicking on the star. This meal will save to your account, and you can see this meal on the page after clicking on the link "Favourite meals" in the main menu: step9 instruction

  10. Step 10: Meals on this page saved even if your get new meal plan or logout and login on other device. You can delete them from this page by clicking on yellow star on the meal card: step10 instruction

  11. Step 11: Also, you can get more information about meal by clicking on meal card. Then you go to the meal page with all information about it, including instructions, ingredients and much more: step11 instruction

  12. Step 12: After clicking on the dinner ideas cards you'll have the same information on the popup window on the meals plan page: step12 instruction

  13. Step 13: Also, in the user menu you can choose dark/light theme by clicking on the last item in menu: step13 instruction

  14. Step 14: Here is result if you choose dark theme: step14 instruction

  15. Step 15: Also, in the user menu you can go to the page with your personal data: step15 instruction Here is this page in dark theme: step15 instruction

  16. Step 16: After finishing working with app you can log out by clicking "Log out" in user menu: step16 instruction

  17. Step 17: Also, you can use our app on your phone or tablet. It has adaptive design for all devices: step17 instruction

    RSSchool 2023


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Contributors 3
