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File metadata and controls

289 lines (234 loc) · 13.3 KB


Commands marked with '=>' are aliases. See .gitconfig file for details.
Useful commands
=> git alias                             // list defined aliases
git [command] --help                     // display help for specified command

Create a repository
git init                               // init empty repository
git clone [remoteRepo] [localDir]      // clone git repo to local directory
=> git makegitrepo                     // create git repo, add file and make initial commit

Observe your repository
=> git s                                       // git status
=> git st                                      // git status -sb
git diff                                       // show changes to files not yet staged
=> git difff                                   // highlight changed words using only colors (without plus and minus)
git diff HEAD                                  // show all staged and unstaged changes
git diff commit1 commit2                       // show the changes between two commits ids
git diff <branch name>                         // show the changes regarding other branch
git diff --stat [firstBranch] <secondBranch>   // compare two branches based on statistics
git blame                                      // annotate the file
git log                                        // show full change history
git log -p [file/directory]                    // show change history for file/direcotyr including diffs
=> git llog                                    // show pretty list of lat 25 commits (id, timestamp, user, message)
=> git ltree                                   // show pretty graph from logs
=> git hist                                    // show pretty graph with history
=> git histfull                                // show pretty graph with history + changed files
=> git changelog                               // show commit messages list
=> git changelogextended                       // show commit messages list with date, author, etc.
=> git days                                    // dates of commits
=> git rp                                      // rev-parse --short=4
=> git find [name]                             // finds a filename in the git repository, gives absolute location

Make a change :
git add [file]                                  // stage a file with given filename
git add .                                       // stage all changed files, ready for commit
=> git co -m "Commit message"                   // commit staged files
=> git save Commit message                      // stage and commit files with message
=> git amend Commit message                     // make stage & commit with amend
git reset [file]                                // unstages file, keeping the changes
git checkout -- [filename]                      // undo specific file if unstaged
git reset --hard                                // revert everything to the last commit
git revert [commit]                             // generate a new commit that undoes all of the changes introduced in [commit]
=> git unstage                                  // remove everything what was prepared for commit (git reset HEAD --)

git stash list                                   // show stashes
git stash                                        // save stash
git stash apply                                  // get the changes from top/last stash
git stash apply [id]                             // get the changes from specified stash
git stash drop                                   // clear stash
=> git sta                                       // stash with untracked files too

Working with branches
=> git br                                          // git branch
git branch                                         // list all local branches
git branch -r                                      // list of remote branches
=> git bbranch                                     // extended info about local branches
=> git branches                                    // detailed info about local and remote branches
=> git ch                                          // git checkout
git checkout [branch]                              // switch to specific branch / for never version of Git get remote branch+tracking
git checkout -b [branch] origin/[branch]           // for older version of Git checkout remote branch
git checkout -b [branch]                           // create and switch to new branch
git branch [branch]                                // create new local branch with given name
git branch -d [branch]                             // delete local branch with given name
=> git branchdelete [branch]                       // delete remote (on origin repo) and local branch
git push origin --delete [branch]                  // delete remote branch
git merge [branch]                                 // merge to actual branch from given branch name
git checkout [branchB] && git merge [branchA]      // merge branchA into branchB
git merge --no-ff [branch]                         // merge to actual branch without fast forward
=> git mergenoff [branch]                          // merge to actual branch without fast forward
=> git mergenocommit [branch]                      // merge to actual branch without commit
git merge [branch] --no-commit --no-ff             // merge to actual branch without fast forward and auto commit
=> git mergesquash [branch]                        // merge different branch with auto squash to single commit
=> git squash [N]                                  // squash last N commits

git fetch                                          // get the latest changes from origin (no merge)
git pull                                           // fetch the latest changes from origin and merge
=> git purr                                        // fetch the latest changes from origin and rebase (pull --rebase)
=> git puff                                        // pull with fast forward only (pull --ff-only)
git remote                                         // check defined remote repositories
git remote add origin [remoteRepo]                 // add remote repository
git push -u origin [branch]                        // push given branch to origin remote repo with tracking
=> git publish                                     // pushes the current branch to the origin (or different repo if is provided as param)
=> git unpublish                                   // deletes the remote version of current branch in origin (or different repo if provided as param)
=> git trackallbranches                            // get all remote branches
=> git updateallbranches                           // pull (update) all remote branches
=> git showorigin                                  // display the branches on origin, who modified, when, etc. useful for gitflow

git tag                                             // list of tags
=> git tags                                         // display tags with hashes
git tag -d [tagName]                                // delete the tag with specified name
git tag [tagName]                                   // tag the current commit
git tag -a [tagName] -m ["Tag message"]             // create new tag with message
git tag [tagName] [commitID]                        // use tagging to mark a significant changeset, such as a release
git push --tags origin                              // push all tags to remote repository
=> git pushtags                                     // push all tags (push --tags)
=> git tagwithdate [prefix]                         // create tag with prefix and date (PREFIX_12-01-12_15-25-25)
=> git lasttag                                      // display last tag
=> git checkoutlasttag                              // checkout the last tag
=> git publishtag [tagName] [repo | null]           // pushes given tag to remote repo (or origin if repo is not provided)
=> git unpublishtag [tagName] [repo | null]         // removes given tag from remote repo (or origin if repo is not provided)

Basic repo information / what was going on while you were away
=> git stat                              // repository statistics
=> git whois                             // display the user information
=> git whatis [branch/tag/name]          // telling us what was the last commit in specified branch/tag/name 
=> git howmany                           // display the number of commits
=> git howmanybywhom                     // group number of commits by users
=> git anychanges [branch]               // do we have any changes on origin for specified branch
=> git anychangesonmaster                // do we have any changes on origin/master
=> git whoischanging [branch]            // who does introduce the changes on the specified branch from last pull
=> git whoischangingmaster               // who does introduce the change on master from last pull

GitHub & JIRA
=> git fetchpr [ID]                       // fetch PR from GitHub by number/id
=> git issues                             // display JIRA ticket from commit messages


Merge with squash

Say your bug fix branch is called bugfix and you want to merge it into master:

git checkout master
git merge --squash bugfix (you could use also defined alias git mergesquash [branch])
git commit

This will take all the commits from the bugfix branch, squash them into 1 commit and then merge it with your master branch.

Squash N commits

In order to squash N commit we could use the following commands:

git reset --soft HEAD~[N] && git commit

If you want to start editing the new commit message with a concatenation of the existing commit messages (i.e. similar to what a pick/squash/squash/…/squash git rebase -i instruction list would start you with), then you need to extract those messages and pass them to git commit:

git reset --soft HEAD~3 && git commit --edit -m"$(git log --format=%B --reverse HEAD..HEAD@{1})"

or just use prepared alias for this (git squash N):

squash = "!f(){ git reset --soft HEAD~${1} && git commit --edit -m\"$(git log --format=%B --reverse HEAD..HEAD@{1})\"; };f"

Rebasing new branch instead of merging
git checkout experiment                // switch to that branch
git rebase master                      // rebase it to selected branch, in this case move it on the top of the master

Git Rebase For Linear History
git commit
git pull
git rebase -i origin/master
git push origin master

Reset local branch to remote repo state (if the remote branch is not ahead of course)
git reset --hard origin/master

Remove unwanted files from last Git commit
git reset --soft HEAD~1
git reset HEAD path/to/unwanted_file
git commit -c ORIG_HEAD                 // now commit again, you can even re-use the same commit message

Modify specified commit

You can use git rebase, for example, if you want to modify back to commit bbc643cd, run

$ git rebase --interactive bbc643cd^

In the default editor, modify 'pick' to 'edit' in the line whose commit you want to modify. Make your changes and then stage them with

$ git add <filepattern>

Now you can use

$ git commit --amend

to modify the commit, and after that

$ git rebase --continue

  1. Add the remote, call it "upstream":
    git remote add upstream
  2. Fetch all the branches of that remote into remote-tracking branches, such as upstream/master:
    git fetch upstream
  3. Make sure that you're on your master branch:
    git checkout master
  4. Rewrite your master branch so that any commits of yours that aren't already in upstream/master are replayed on top of that other branch:
    git rebase upstream/master && git push -f origin master

So everything looks like:

git remote add upstream
git fetch upstream
git checkout master // no needed if you are on master
git rebase upstream/master 
git push -f origin master

There is a special alias updatefork in order to fetch upstream, checkout master, rebase and push to our origin repo.

git fetch origin pull/ID/head:BRANCHNAME
[master] $ git checkout BRANCHNAME
git branch --merged master 		# lists branches merged into master
git branch --merged 			# lists branches merged into HEAD (i.e. tip of current branch)
git branch --no-merged			# lists branches that have not been merged


Feel free to create pull request!