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Using the C/C++ libs in Xcode


After finally getting the OCR C++ libraries built, I had another set of challenges adding and using them in our sample Xcode project. This is written from my perspective and shows my progression as I worked through specific errors.

The high points of using the Leptonica and Tesseract libraries are telling Xcode where to find headers for the libs (modules), to build with the libs, where to find the libs, building with some other standard libs, and finally bundling the Tesseract language data for the app at run-time:

  1. find the header files for our built libraries (modules) with SWIFT_INCLUDE_PATHS
  2. link with our built libraries using OTHER_LDFLAGS
  3. find our built libraries with LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS
  4. link with zlib and libc++
  5. add/bundle tessdata language files

I think a straightforward way to show how each of these steps contributes to the overall project (their cause and effect) is to create a new project from scratch with a test-image to perform OCR on. We'll then follow my naive approach of trying to run the test, get an error, fix the error, and repeat till it finally builds and successfully completes the test.

The first four configuration steps encompass build errors, the last step got me past a run-time error.

Create the project and a small test

I'm starting with an empty project for an iOS app that includes a test:

  1. FileNewProject.. (⇧ ⌘ N)
  2. For the template, I went with the iOS platform and an App application
  3. For the options, I went with:
    • Product name: Demo
    • Interface: SwiftUI
    • Language: Swift
    • Include Tests

I named my project Demo, so some files and symbols in code that I'm mentioning have that name. I've also deleted the DemoUITests folder/group in Project navigator, as well as the target from the project settings.

With the project open, I'm going to the DemoTests folder/group, opening DemoTests.swift, and replacing the entire file with:

import XCTest
@testable import Demo

import libleptonica
import libtesseract

class DemoTests: XCTestCase {
    func testExample() throws {
        // UIImage to Leptonica Pix
        let imgData = UIImage(named: "test_jpn")!.pngData()! as NSData
        let rawPointer = imgData.bytes
        let uint8Pointer = rawPointer.assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt8.self)
        let image = pixReadMem(uint8Pointer, imgData.count)

        // Init Tesseract and recognize
        let tessAPI = TessBaseAPICreate()!
        let trainedDataFolder = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "tessdata", ofType: nil, inDirectory: ".")
        TessBaseAPIInit2(tessAPI, trainedDataFolder, "jpn", OEM_LSTM_ONLY)
        TessBaseAPISetImage2(tessAPI, image)
        TessBaseAPISetSourceResolution(tessAPI, 144)
        TessBaseAPISetPageSegMode(tessAPI, PSM_AUTO)
        TessBaseAPIRecognize(tessAPI, nil)

        // Get result and assert
        let iterator = TessBaseAPIGetIterator(tessAPI)
        let txt = TessResultIteratorGetUTF8Text(iterator, RIL_TEXTLINE)!
        XCTAssertEqual(String(cString:txt), "Hello, 世界\n")

This test needs an image to perform OCR on, I'll add that to the project Assets folder with the name test_jpn:

Looking at my entire project, and the project settings overview:

Build errors

With the demo project set up and a test created, Xcode immediately lets me know that there's a problem.

No such module

It cannot find the first external library from my two import statements:

❌ No such module 'libleptonica'

This sample repo already has a modules.modulemap file that declares module names and the paths to the header files that make up each module. I need to tell Xcode where that file is. In Xcode, these configuration options can be found by (searching for) their UI-ish name, like 'Import Paths' or the environment variable name that can be referenced by project scripts and other variables, like 'SWIFT_INCLUDE_PATHS'.

In project settings:

  1. Select Build SettingsAll

  2. Search for Import Paths/SWIFT_INCLUDE_PATHS

  3. Expand the setting and copy-paste the path to this repo's Root/include folder for Debug and Release; for my setup, this looks like:


    On my system, Xcode doesn't resolve ~ to my home directory, so I give it the full path. The ** at the end means "recursive" to Xcode (which you can see when you double-click the value and an extra dialog pops up, like in the screenshot below).

Clean the build folder, ⇧ ⌘ K, and re-run the unit test, ⌘ U, and I've cleared this error.

Undefined symbol

With the modules found, the compiler moves on trying to build my test, but hits another wall. The first thing I see is this error in the Issue navigator:

❌ Undefined symbol: _TessBaseAPICreate

Clicking on that I'm taken to the actual build-phase error, Link DemoTests (arm64). Jumping straight to the bottom I can see the final error message:

Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
  "_TessBaseAPICreate", referenced from:
      DemoTests.DemoTests.testExample() throws -> () in DemoTests.o
  "_TessBaseAPIInit2", referenced from:
      DemoTests.DemoTests.testExample() throws -> () in DemoTests.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

The compiler (clang) tries to compile the test file, sees that I'm calling TessBaseAPICreate(), but cannot find that symbol in its available libraries.

To make the symbols from our libraries available, we need to link them with the binary that clang is compiling. To do this, we need to tell clang two things:

  • -l options: which libraries to link with
  • -L options: where the object files for our libraries (.a files in our case) can be found

Going back Xcode I read down from the top of the error message and I can see two issues in the command-line arguments to clang:

  • there are no -l options, so it doesn't know about our libraries
  • there are some -L options, but they point to Xcode/iOS/Swift libraries, so it doesn't know where to look for our libraries

In Xcode the -l options are configured with Other Linker Flags/OTHER_LDFLAGS.

I go back to project settings, search for either of those names, and copy-paste in this string of values:

-ljpeg-sim -ltesseract-sim -lpng16-sim -ltiff-sim -llept-sim

This repo's build process creates library files for the three current frameworks in Xcode: iOS, macOS, and Simulator. In Xcode, tests must be run on a concrete device, so the libraries the test is compiled with must match the targeted device type. Since I'm running the test on the simulator, I chose the -sim versions of our library files. I'll cover configuring Xcode to work with all frameworks at the end of this guide.

Now that the compiler knows which libraries to link with, I tell it where to find them.

The -L options are configured with Library SearchPaths/LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS.

For my system, this looks like:


You can also find both settings by searching for just "linker ":

Clean the build folder, ⇧ ⌘ K, and re-run the unit test, ⌘ U, and I'm still getting an 'undefined symbol' error.

More undefined symbols

Xcode is successfully finding and linking with the OCR libraries, but failing when the linking process sees that our libraries depend on two other "system libraries", zlib for image compression and libc++ for anything C/C++ related. zlib is explicitly defined in the two configuration scripts for Leptonica and Tesseract for our build process with the -lz flag. I assume clang implicitly adds the linker flag for libc++. Xcode provides these two libraries, so I just have to add them to the project.

In project settings:

  1. select DemoTests under TARGETS
  2. select Build Phases and expand Link Binary with Libraries
  3. click the + (plus-sign) button
  4. search for and add, libz.tbd and libc++.tbd

Clean the build folder, ⇧ ⌘ K, re-run the test, ⌘ U, and it builds! But then fails during the test.

Run-time error

The test tries calling the Recognize function for the Tesseract API, but hits an unhandled exception:

❌ Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0xc)

Looking at the debug messages from lldb, I see:

Error opening data file /Users/uname/develop/TesseractBuild/Root/ios_arm64_sim/share/tessdata/jpn.traineddata
Please make sure the TESSDATA_PREFIX environment variable is set to your "tessdata" directory.
Failed loading language 'jpn'
Tesseract couldn't load any languages!

I specified the trainedDataFolder in the test:

let trainedDataFolder = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "tessdata", ofType: nil, inDirectory: ".")

but haven't brought it into the project yet, and now the API appears to be looking for the language data file where the library's .a file is located. So I'll add the folder as a reference to the project.

  1. Right-click Demo at the top of Project navigator → Add Files to "Demo"...
  2. Navigate to TesseractBuild/Root/share
  3. Single-click tessdataAdd with the following options:
    • Create folder references
    • Add to targets:
      • Demo
      • DemoTests

⌘ U, and ✅, the test passes!


When I added the tessdata folder to the project, I intentionally left the DemoTests target unchecked to show that the folder needs to just exist in the project for Xcode to find and use it (for the test)—it doesn't need to be a part of the build configuration.

But to do OCR in an app, the tessdata needs to be bundled with the app during the build, and the special Assets folder with the image, too. When I added the folder to the project the target for the Demo was checked, so it should be bundled, and I confirm this by checking the Build Phases for the app's Demo target:

You might also notice in that screenshot that Link Binary with Libraries is empty, (0 items), so I'll also need to add libc++ and libz to this target as well.

Configuring for multiple frameworks

We got the project to build and test for Simulator, but what about other frameworks?

To highlight how to make the project work with iOS, macOS, or Simulator, I'm going to extend the Demo app I've already created. We need to get the OCR libraries into the iOS app and try to build and run it.

  1. I added the import statements for libleptonica and libtesseract and copied all the OCR code from the test into the onAppear() modifier of the default ContentView:

    import libleptonica
    import libtesseract
    struct ContentView: View {
        var body: some View {
            Text("Hello, world!")
                .onAppear {
                    // UIImage to Leptonica Pix
                    let imgData = UIImage(named: "test_jpn")!.pngData()! as NSData
                    let rawPointer = imgData.bytes
                    let uint8Pointer = rawPointer.assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt8.self)
                    let image = pixReadMem(uint8Pointer, imgData.count)
                    // Init Tesseract and recognize
                    let tessAPI = TessBaseAPICreate()!
                    let txt = TessResultIteratorGetUTF8Text(iterator, RIL_TEXTLINE)!
                    print(String(cString:txt))  // Hello, 世界
  2. I changed the active scheme to My Mac (Designed for iPad), which really means "an iOS device" (because my Mac happens to have Apple Silicon which can run apps make for iPad):

  3. I try to build and get this error:

    ❌ In /Users/uname/develop/TesseractBuild/Root/lib/libtesseract-sim.a(libtesseract_api_la-capi.o), building for iOS, but linking in object file (/Users/uname/develop/TesseractBuild/Root/lib/libtesseract-sim.a(libtesseract_api_la-capi.o)) built for iOS Simulator, for architecture arm64

Xcode still only knows about the libraries built for Simulator up to this point. I now need to specify that the libraries I've already configured are for the Simulator, and add libs for iOS:

  1. I expand the configuration I already made for OTHER_LDFLAGS
  2. change that framework from Any Architecture | Any SDK to Any iOS Simulator SDK
  3. add a new configuration for Any iOS SDK
  4. copy-paste the linker flags between the two, changing -sim to -ios

and I have the following settings:

Clean the build folder, ⇧ ⌘ K, run the app in the Simulator, ⌘ R, and I see a print statement with the recognized text!

"Hello, 世界"


Doing this manually in Xcode might get cumbersome for 3 frameworks for Debug and Release, and it might be nice to commit this configuration outside of the project, so I made an xcconfig file which is used by the iOCR project:

ROOT = $(PROJECT_DIR)/../../Root
OTHER_LDFLAGS[sdk=iphoneos*] = -ljpeg-ios -llept-ios -lpng16-ios -ltesseract-ios -ltiff-ios
OTHER_LDFLAGS[sdk=iphonesimulator*] = -ljpeg-sim -ltesseract-sim -lpng16-sim -ltiff-sim -llept-sim
OTHER_LDFLAGS[sdk=macosx*] = -ljpeg-macos -ltesseract-macos -lpng16-macos -ltiff-macos -llept-macos

It also has the SWIFT_INCLUDE_PATHS and LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS variables for even less manual configuration.

To use the xcconfig file in Xcode:

  1. drag-drop it into the project, I used these options:

  2. in project settings, ProjectDemoInfo

  3. expand Configurations, and for Debug and Release...

    1. pick iOCR for each target from the drop-down under Based on Configuration File: