ESPHome keypad.
It works in combination with appdemon to process key presses as well as Nuki codes.
You may also use it to switch your Home Assitant home alarm.
It is intended to be used with more than one keypad so each one may have its own code and key configuration. Thus, minimal configuration for each keypad is needed as common code is shared via includes.
It requires Keypad_I2C library to function properly.
So, copy Keypad_I2C directory to every keypad lib directory.
It also includes some pcb prototype designs, pictures an appdeamon example and a Homeassistant alarm configuration.
Added frequency: 400kHz to file !pads\pad_display.yaml as I was experiencing problems connecting to wifi. It seems that when screen is too dens in pixels it keeps the bus too busy and causes problems connecting so increasing frequency speeds up whole the process.
Try it out and let me know!