The goal of this repository is to speed up the creation of a new project. It contains some useful code and utilities, as well as an examlpe of code organization.
Folders and files should be organized as follows.
├── bash # Folder containing bash scripts
├── data # Folder containing input and output data
├── envs # Folder containing conda environment definitions
├── notebooks # Folder containing jupyter notebooks
├── results # Folder containing results
├── src # Folder containing useful functions
│ ├── # Functions to pass arguments to scripts
│ ├── # Functions for tensorflow scipts
│ ├── # Functions for pytorch scipts
│ └── # Utility functions
├── # Script to clear tensorboard runs
├── # Script to check the GPU setup on TF
├── # Script to check the GPU setup on PyTorch
├── # Script to log info through tensorboard
├── # Simulation parameters
├── # Script to pass input arguments
├── # Script to run a function in parallel
├── # Script to train a CNN with Keras
├── # Script to train a CNN with pytorch lightning
└── # Script to train a CNN with pytorch
To get started, prepare a python environment and check if everything runs.
- Install conda
- Create and activate the
environment with environment_keras.yml
conda env create -f envs/environment_keras.yml
conda activate keras_env
- Install conda
- Create and activate the
environment with environment_torch.yml
conda env create -f envs/environment_torch.yml
conda activate torch_env
Considering the high computational cost of deep learning algorithms, it is useful to accelarate on a GPU. Basically, both tensorflow and pytorch come with native GPU support. However, they have different features:
- PyTorch natively supports 1 GPU at a time; if you (really) need multiple GPUs, you have to code your own
paradigm. To the best of our knowledge, it works perfectly at a glance. - Tensorflow typically needs an extra effort, as it needs a perfect combination of driver/python/package versions.
Run the script to check if GPUs are working correctly.
Note that, depending on the driver version, a server may or may not work with a given version of cuda.
- Example: to use Tensorflow 2.3 (working on all machines), according to this table you should run in your environment
conda install tensorflow==2.3.0 cudnn=7.6 cudatoolkit=10.1
- Example: to use Tensorflow 2.6 (working on some machines), according to this table you should run in your environment
conda install tensorflow==2.6.0 cudnn=8.1 cudatoolkit=11.2
To train a CNN
- Set the desired parameters in (e.g.,
, etc.) - Run the script (if using Tensorflow / Keras) or (if using pytorch) or (if using pytorch lightning)
The trained model and training history are saved into trained_models_root
folder defined in (if using Tensorflow / Keras).
Once your network is trained, you want to test it on a new dataset. Run the script (if using pytorch) or (if using pytorch lightning)
Check the use with python --help
, you will see that you have to pass to the script the run folder that has been created by the training script.
In many cases, it is useful to have a python script that can accept different combinations of hyperparameters.
For example, one might want to have a that accepts as arguments epochs
and learning_rate
in order to try different parameters values for fine-tuning the experiment.
Instead of manually set them in a file like, this can be done by adopting the
Check it out in
Tensorboard is a powerful tool for visualizing and tracking variables along different experiments. A common use-case is to track the losses and the metrics of different setup.
Apart from Tensorflow and PyTorch integrations, you can log pretty much everything to your tensorboard. See our example script
Rembember: first you have to launch the server with tensorboard --logdir RUN_PATH
For your convenience, you can define a bash alias to speed up the command above:
echo "alias tb='tensorboard --logdir '" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
Now you can start the server with tb RUN_PATH
and your python script that creates a tensorboard log to RUN_PATH
It is customary to run a function multiple times on different inputs (e.g., compute spectrograms from multiple audio recordings, apply some processing to all the images in a dataset, analyze each frame of a video, etc.). This can be done serially with a for loop, or in parallel over multiple cores, or using multiple threads (best for I/O operations on lots of files). Have a look at the example script
- Conda cheat sheet: useful conda commands.
- PyCharm: python IDE (free for students).
- Pandas: data analysis and manipulation library.
Machine learning
- scikit-learn: machine learning library.
- Tensorflow / Keras: library for neural networks.
- Pytorch: library for neural networks.
- Tensorboard: data log visualization tool.
Image and video processing
- Pillow: image processing library.
- scikit-image: image processing library.
- OpenCV: computer vision library.
- imgaug: image augmentation library.
- Augmentor: image augmentation library.
- Albumentation: image augmentation library.
- scikit-video: video processing library.
- ffmpeg-python: ffmpeg python wrapper.
- CNN Segmentation Models both in Tensorflow and PyTorch.
Audio processing
- librosa: audio features library.
- Audiomentation: audio augmentation library.
- pyroomacoustics: library to generate room impulse responses.
- Kapre: audio processing on GPU.
- TorchAudio: audio processing on GPU.
Image and Sound Processing Lab - Politecnico di Milano
- Paolo Bestagini
- Francesco Picetti
- Nicolò Bonettini
- Francesco Maffezzoli