The router lives between the ISMP message handlers and modules, the router provides access to the ismp
module which a request or response is designated for based on the destination module Id.
The router should not be accessible outside the host. The interface for the ISMP Router is:
pub trait IsmpRouter {
/// Get module handler by id
/// Should decode the module id and return a handler to the appropriate `IsmpModule`
/// implementation
fn module_for_id(&self, bytes: Vec<u8>) -> Result<Box<dyn IsmpModule>, Error>;
ISMP Modules are the applications(pallets or contracts) that initiate requests and receive responses, for an application to be ISMP compatible it must implement a specific interface that allows the router to dispatch requests and responses to it.
A module must also have a unique id configured in the runtime, so it can be identified by the router.
The required module interface is:
pub trait IsmpModule {
/// Called by the ISMP router on a module, to notify module of a new request
/// the module may choose to respond immediately, or in a later block
fn on_accept(request: Post) -> Result<(), Error>;
/// Called by the router on a module, to notify module of a response to a previously sent out
/// request
fn on_response(response: Response) -> Result<(), Error>;
/// Called by the router on a module, to notify module of requests that were previously sent but
/// have now timed-out
fn on_timeout(request: Request) -> Result<(), Error>;