Software Specification and Design : Final Project
Project name: MonsterClicker
Team Member
Kitipoom Kongpetch 5710546160
Wanchanapon Thanwaranurak 5710546607
Phasin Sarunpornkul 5710546356
#Design Principles
- Creator
- MainActivity creates layout on screen.
- Game creates data in game.
- Information Experts
- We can know all data from Game class.
- Low Coupling
- In Game, Player and ally can attack enemy by don’t have enemy in class.
- Control
- Game is control class. It have method to control every class.
- High Cohesions
- UpLevel use to upgrade all Ally in game.
- Calculator use calculate all value in Ally,Player,and Enemy.
SRP Single Responsibility Principle
- Calculator class calculate all value in Ally,Player,and Enemy.
OCP Open Closed Principle
- Archer, Caster and Warrior are subclass of Item class. They have Action(Game game) that have difference effect.
- We have data of hero and enemy only one in program by send it to all class.
LSP Liscov Substitution Principle
- Archer, Caster and Warrior are subclass of Ally class. they have Action(Player player, Enemy enemy) that difference work in each class.
- Ally,Item,Calculator,Keyplay and Memento are abstract class.
#Design Pattern
- Singleton pattern
Class :
- Use in Game class to create it only one time because it is mediator between others model class and
- State pattern
Contain 2 states : and
- Use in Caster class to change state between attack and heal to help caster know they should attack enemy or heal player.
- Observer pattern
Class : MainActivity(Observer), Game(Observable)
- Use to update status (health bar) when have change in Game class when player attack enemy or enemy attack player.
- Use to update money value when monster is died, player upgrades hero or allies status and buy items.
- Use to update monster number and level.
- Iterator pattern
Class : use in
- First, we want to create animation with thread then difficulties and very long code. we decide to use Iterator pattern, it comfortable just we set calculate in method next(),So, each character can make animation by yourself.
- Memento pattern
Class : use in,,,,
- We want to save and load file in internal memory, game will be continue when re-open game. We use memento for keeping only necessary data.