Container with Apache Zookeeper.
This container provides an out-of-the-box working, standalone, Apache Zookeeper node that can be used for developing, or with certain reconfiguration for production purposes.
The standalone node is provisioned with:
- secure client port: "2281";
- SASL authentication;
- Auditing enabled;
- Quorum TLS (for demonstration);
- Quorum authentication (for demonstration);
- Log4j RollingFileAppender;
- self-signed certificate;
- Jolokia JMX with security enabled.
Filesystem paths inside container:
- /etc/zookeeper
- /opt/zookeeper
- /var/lib/zookeeper
- /var/log/zookeeper
This image can also be used for building an Apache Zookeeper cluster. The configuration files in this repo can be used as templates.
Use the following command to build the container image.
docker build -t container-apache-zookeeper .
Use the following command the start a standalone Apache Zookeeper node.
docker run --name zookeeper --restart always -p 2281:2281 -p 8778:8778 -d container-apache-zookeeper
The Zookeeper CLI/Shell is included with the software but can also run outside the container as standalone, so usage is depending on your implementation.
Depending on the type of authentication, adjust the next piece of code according to your specific implementation.
export KAFKA_OPTS="
Create a zookeeper.jaas file, adjust credentials according to your environment.
Client {
org.apache.zookeeper.server.auth.DigestLoginModule required
Export KAFKA_OPTS to your environment and start the Zookeeper CLI with the following command:
/opt/zookeeper/bin/ <zookeeper node>:2281
This chapter describes various ACL configurations.
Remember to change username(s) according to your environment.
setAcl / sasl:root:cdrwa
setAcl /zookeeper sasl:root:cdrwa
Remember to change username(s) according to your environment.
setAcl / sasl:root:cdrwa,sasl:kafka:cr
setAcl /zookeeper sasl:root:cdrwa
create /kafka "" sasl:root:cdrwa,sasl:kafka:cdrwa