is a simple tool that, given a whitelist of process IDs and/or
process names, will print out any process and its ID that has an
open socket but is not in either whitelist. It is a thin, simple
wrapper around lsof
without dependencies.
stands for look who's talking.
The package is on PYPI, so you can install it easily if you have pip installed:
pip install lwt
From the help text of lwt
usage: lwt [-h] [--pids PIDS] [--names NAMES] [--monitor]
[--monitor-time MONITOR_TIME]
Get processes with open sockets but no permission to use them
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--pids PIDS, -p PIDS the PID file
--names NAMES, -n NAMES
the process name file
--monitor, -m continuously monitor the system
--monitor-time MONITOR_TIME, -t MONITOR_TIME
the number of seconds to wait between monitor runs
(can be fraction)
needs either a PID file or a process name file (or both).
Monitor mode will continuously run the inspection, waiting an interval
seconds (monitor time can be a floating point number
or integer and will default to 1).
Have fun!