dbpp is a library that simplifies database queries by collecting them into one class.
dbpp requires composer and php 8.0 or higher.
For installation run this command in composer:
composer require ppeco/dbpp
The main class for dbpp is Database. Create a class extended from Database from dbpp.
class SimpleDatabase extends Database {
Create a class that will contain all the queries for a specific table. The class should be extended from the Dao class from dbpp.
class TableDao extends Dao {
Create functions with query annotations from dbpp. They can be Query and Insert. Functions should call a function from parent.
abstract class TableDao extends Dao {
#[Query("SELECT * FROM `table`")]
public abstract function getAll(): array|false;
#[Query("SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `id` = :id")]
public abstract function getById(int $id): array|false;
#[Insert("INSERT `table`(`id`, `name`) VALUES(NULL, :name)")]
public abstract function insert(string $name): bool;
#[Insert("INSERT `table`(`id`, `name`) VALUES(NULL, :name)", ['id'])]
public abstract function insert2(string $name): int|bool;
Link your Dao to Database via class properties.
class SimpleDatabase extends Database {
public TableDao $table;
Well, the final steps. Create PDO object and create Database class
$pdo = new PDO(*data*);
$database = new SimpleDatabase($pdo);
Now you can call methods from the Database class