- pandas
- sklearn
- matplotlib
- numpy
- pickle
- Logistic regeression
- LDA Classification
- KNN Classification
- Gaussian Naive Bayes Classification
- Classification and Regression Test Classification
- Support Vector Machines Classification
- Linear Regression
- Lasso Regression
- ElasticNet Regression
- KNN Regression
- Decision Tree Regression
- Support Veector Machines Regression
- Comparing the Algorithms
- Create a pipeline that standardizes the data then creates a model
- Create a pipeline that extracts features from the data then creates a model
- Bagged Decision Trees for Classification
- Random Forest Classification
- Extra Trees Classification
- AdaBoost Classification
- Stochastic Gradient Boosting Classification
- Voting Ensemble for Classification
- Grid Search for Algorithm Tuning
- Randomized for Algorithm Tuning
- Save Model Using Pickle
- Save Model Using joblib
Dataset used: Pima Indians Diabetes Database and Boston Housing Dataset