Tested on:
OS: Windows 10 64-bit
IDE: Processing 3.5.4 + VSCode
GPU: Intel HD Graphics 5500 128MB
CPU: i5-5300U @ 2.30GHz
- Install Processing 3 on your machine
Running the Program:
Open Depixelize.pde in the Depixelize folder
Press the space key to cycle through the different stages in the algorithm:
- Frame 1: Pixel art rendered at its original resolution (very tiny)
- Frame 2: Procesing's scale to full screen (very blurry)
- Frame 3: Pixel Scaling to full screen by looping through all pixels and drawing rectangles
- Frame 4: Fully connected similarity graph of all pixels
- Frame 5: Similarity graph with all edges between pixels with dissimilar edges cut off
- Frame 6: Similarity graph with crossings color-coded, blue -> part of a continously shaded region, so can be removed safely, red -> ambiguous crossings since both edges are different colors, so requires some heuristics to determine which edge to remove.
- Frame 7: Similarity graph with blue crossings removed
- Frame 8: Similarity graph with red crossings resolved and removed
- Frame 9: Dual/Voronoi Diagram generated from similarity graph which has the desired properties
Press keys 1-9 to (reset and) change the pixel art to apply the algorithm on