is a repository being maintained to keep log of the python scripts that I create for automating and executing some of my boring manual task.
This script was created as per my requirement to add some noise to the already refined audio dataset I had. Hence, with python and its near to omnipresent library, I wrote this basic code that takes in two folder paths from the user as the primary and secondary folder and iterates over the audio files in the respective folders parallely to mix them by overlaying the audio contents. After the successful audio overlaps, all the output files gets stored in a newly created directory with its path similar to that of the provided primary folder but all of it under the root directory called Output.
This script was created to automate one of my monotonous weekly ritual that is to send an email to my workplace address indicating the succesful completeion of my weekly task. With the script, I have a statically placed subject and body that will be sent to a list of pre-determined recievers with the smtp server.
This script was created to automate sending message on messenger. Using the automation tool, selenium the Chrome Driver was used to navigate through the web elements and perform the send message task.
This script was created to automate renaming of the files using python.
This script was created to split the result and dump into multiple json results into a json file.
This script was created to read files out of a folder and replace the new lines out of it along with the double white spaces with a whitespace and save the updated txt into a new file.
This script was created to find automatic differentiation of a function using the deep learning framework tensorflow.