Index, search and download files within intranet. some of the implementations is inspired from bittorrent protocol like tracker server, file pieces and downloading file pieces from different peers
1. When peer boots, it starts reading files from INPUT_FOLDER
a. If file info is already present then check modifed time, if modified then replace file info in peer pouchdb
b. If file info not present then insert to peer pouchdb
c. Sync peer file info to global pouchdb, this is one way directed from local pouchdb to global pouchdb.
d. Peer adds heartbeat entry to global pouchdb every 5 seconds
2. Peer after boot, keeps watch on INPUT_FOLDER
a. If any file gets added then that will be added to file info table(peer pouchdb)
b. If any file gets removed then that will be removed from file info table(peer pouchdb)
c. If any file gets modified the that will replaced in file info table(peer pouchdb)
d. Sync peer file info to global pouchdb, this is one way directed from local pouchdb to global pouchdb.
3. Tracker server when boots
a. It will drop all elastic search file info indexes.
b. Reads all file info from global pouchdb and indexes them.
4. Tracker server after boot, keeps watch on global pouchdb file info table
a. If any file gets added then that will be indexed in elasticsearch
b. If any file gets removed then index will be removed from elasticsearch
c. If any file gets modified then that index will be replaced in elasticsearch
5. Peer's file server when booted
a. Grpc server starts
b. Grpc clients starts and watches for downloads table for changes
6. Peer can search for any keyword
a. Serach keyword using peer's inteface
b. Request goes to tracker server
c. Tracker server searches keyword in elasticsearch and returns result
d. Peer collects all peer id from result and checks if peers are active for last one minute
e. Peer then creates download in pouchdb's download table with only active peers
7. Downloading file(file server)
a. When grpc client detects download, it fetches peers list and makes bidirection stream connection to grpc server of
those peers.
b. After connecting, sends file hash to each peer's grpc server to check if file exists.
c. If grpc server has that file, then grpc client starts requesting for file piece.
d. Different piece will be requested to different peer's grpc server
e. Grpc client, when receives file piece hashes it and verifies if hash matches
f. If piece hash doesn't match then discards piece and diconnects from that peer.
g. After receving all pieces, it merges all pieced in order, creates single file and saves into DOWNLOAD_LOCATION
Install and start golbal pouchdb server which will be mainly used by tracker server
npm install -g pouchdb-server
pouchdb-server --port 5984
orpouchdb-server --port 5984 --in-memory
Install and start elasticsearch server
Run tracker server
Edit env of tracker_server
SERVER_POUCH = http url of golbal pouchdb server
ELASTIC_URL = http url of elasticsearch server
HTTP_PORT = http port of tracker server -
Start tracker_server
npm run start
Run peers and peers' file servers (create n number of peers)
Run local pouchdb server for each peer
pouchdb-server --port 3030
orpouchdb-server --port 3030 --in-memory
Edit env of peer's file_server
DOWNLOAD_LOCATION = relative path of download folder where files will be downloaded
SERVER_POUCHDB = http url of golbal pouchdb server
LOCAL_POCHDB = http url of peer pouchdb server
GRPC_PORT = peer's grpc port number -
Edit env of peer
INPUT_FOLDER = relative path of sharable folder
APP_KEY = peer id, should be unique for each peer
PIECE_SIZE = size of pieces that file will be divided into
GRPC_PORT = peer's grpc port number
SERVER_POUCHDB = http url of golbal pouchdb server
LOCAL_POCHDB = http url of peer pouchdb server
TRACKER_SERVER = http url of tracker server
DOWNLOAD_LOCATION = relative path of download folder where files will be downloaded
HTTP_PORT = http port of peer -
Start peer prod (from root folder)
- To build and start prod
npm run build_start
- To only start
npm run start
- To build and start prod
Start peer dev (from root folder)
- To start dev
npm run start
- To start dev
Start peer dev frontend (from frontend folder)
- Edit package.json
"proxy": http url of peer
- To start dev
npm run start
- Edit package.json
If started in dev mode visit http://localhost:3000
If started in prod mode visit http://localhost:(peer's HTTP_PORT)
- Files should be less than 10mb, tested with 7mb.
- txt files tested, for other types refer npm textract.
- GRPC bidirection sream is closed after receiving a piece. sream could have been kept open but there was memory issue while downloading multiple pieces from same stream session.
File info is saved in the below structure, meta.fileHash is hash if whole file, appKey is peerId set in env(APP_KEY), piecesHash is array of file pieces hash based on env(PIECE_SIZE)
"_id": "66048231fdbd697124f7bf7abb2e6acea501fad4",
"filename": "bb.txt",
"filepath": "../resources/",
"fullFilePath": "full file path of file",
"appKey": "peer id",
"meta": {
"filename": "bb.txt",
"type": "text/plain",
"fileHash": "adb42f5ea538d8dd0554dca39e456602fefe9098",
"piecesHash": [
"size": 11
"content": "yyyyy code",
"mtime": 1590828870000
Structure of online peers info(heartbeat) in global pouchdb, _id is peer id, lastUpdated is time-stamp of latest heart beat and ip is the address of peer's grpc file server
"_id": "bbb",
"ip": "ip:50051", //intranet ip and grpc port number
"lastUpdated": 1591626662100,
"_rev": "59-3c497e8965903f8227083056d5650e37"
- Timeout piece request and request from other peer
- Sync when peer connects to intranet
- Update peerlist regularly when downloading.
- Increase file size, currently can handle below 10MB
- Only supports one level directory, ie. no nested directories only files