Pigeon FTP is a network protocol which provides a sophisticated point-to-multipoint data transfer.
Under the hood, it uses UDP to send packets from one host to another. Stop-and-Wait Automatic Repeat Request scheme implemented on top of UDP guarantees reliable data transfer.
git clone git@github.ncsu.edu:pmgaikwa/pigeon-ftp pigeon-ftp
# switch to directory
cd pigeon-ftp
pip --user install virtualenv
# create virtualenv
virtualenv --python=<path_to_python_3.7_executable> venv # starts a virtualenv in "pigeon-ftp" directory
# start venv
source venv/bin/activate
# install project modules
python setup.py install
# install external dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
python setup.py test
Find all the relevant documentation in docs directory.