Graphical application to make photo collage posters
This is application for automatic collage creation given a input of set of images. PhotoCollage allows you to create photo collage posters. It assembles the input photographs it is given to generate a big poster. Photos are automatically arranged to fill the whole poster, then you can change the final layout, dimensions, border or swap photos in the generated grid. There are multiple layouts created based on different number of input images.
- Generates multiple layouts to avail various options for the user
- Possible to swap photos in the generated grid by random shuffling
- Get high-resolution image
- Works well even with a large number of photos (> 20)
- Output collage has the company logo on bottom right corner with color contrasting the background intensity
Follow these instructions to get this project set up correctly.
Python Project Template supports the following versions out of the box:
- Python 3.3+
Clone the github project:
git clone HauteCollages
Install the project's development and runtime requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run test script to ensure all the packages are correctly installed:
Make sure libraries are installed properly. If you are able to import required libraries, proceed to the next step.
Open the script and edit the file if you want to change anything.
Run the python script as
usage: [-h] [-f FOLDER] [-o OUTPUT] [-t TEXT] Automatic Photo Collage Maker. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -f FOLDER, --folder FOLDER folder with images (*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.png) -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT path to the destination folder where images are to be saved -t TEXT, --text TEXT text that you want to display on final collages
- Pranav Gundewar
- If you wish to contribute, please lint your code and pass tests