Create logs
Based on timers
Query at the end of timer for units (specified in config) completed
Query if you want to skip (default should be no)
Modifications (edit logs)
View statistics
- Active checker: if inactive, stop logging with gtk (pyqt) warning popup on screen
- Remind if the threshold hour has been reached (argument at beginning of command?)
Auto timetable
Suggestions, with warnings
- Based on classes (casual, urgent, etc which may have parent priority)
- Graphical preview of timetable
Ability to set goals in terms of specified unit (example: pages)
Attach folders to categories (autostart without arguments)
Autostart (no args, use prev args with prompt for confirmation first)
Debug flag (logging module)
Show work left in stats
Keep number of args less and simple (more finetuning in config?)
Calculate avg time taken for chunk (later display in time table)
Use TUI first
Send to phone function (for timetable, maybe even automatically triggered)
Automatically adjust suggestions based on events of that day's schedule