This is the repository for the web and mobile apps of Chi Sun College of the University of Hong Kong. They are developed by the Chi Sun Turing Club to provide a one-stop platform for Chi Sun students to gain all information relevant to the college.
cd web
yarn install
cd server
yarn install
cd mobile
yarn install
cd web
yarn start
- Visit web app at http://localhost:3000/
- Go to server directory
cd server
- Run server
yarn dev
- Open GraphQL Playground at http://localhost:4000/graphql
- If you don't have expo installed, install by
npm install -g expo-cli
- Go to mobile directory
cd mobile
- Run app
expo start
- Download Expo mobile app and scan QR code to run the app
git subtree push --prefix server/ master
- Ensure you are in master branch by
git branch
- Deploy by
yarn deploy
- Visit web app at