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Multiprocess | Parallel Cucumber-JVM | Parallelize your Java Cucumber tests on a feature level or on a scenario level.


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Maven Central License: MIT


Courgette-JVM is an extension of Cucumber-JVM with added capabilities to run cucumber tests in parallel on a feature level or on a scenario level. It also provides an option to automatically re-run failed scenarios.

Key Features

  • All features can be executed in parallel.
  • All scenarios can be executed in parallel.
  • Automatic re-run of failed scenarios.
  • Requires only 1 annotated class to run all feature files in parallel.
  • Single report generation for all executed features including embedded files (Json and Html reports)
  • Publishes a single Cucumber Report to after parallel execution.
  • Single re-run file listing all failed scenarios that occurred during parallel execution.
  • Supports Cucumber-JVM 7
  • Supports JUnit and TestNG
  • Provides a Mobile Device Allocator to support parallel mobile testing on simulators and real devices.
  • Integrates with Slack to provide real time test results.
  • Integrates with Extent Reports to create interactive reports.
  • Integrates with Report Portal to support AI powered dashboards.
  • Integrates with Allure to generate test reports.
  • Can be used with Gradle and Maven.
  • Searchable and paginated Courgette-JVM Html Report which includes all step definitions, embedded screenshots, thrown exceptions, pie chart and Courgette run information. CourgetteJVM_Report.png

Minimum Requirements

  • Java 8





implementation group: 'io.github.prashant-ramcharan', name: 'courgette-jvm', version: '6.17.0'

Included Cucumber Dependencies

  • cucumber-core 7.19.0
  • cucumber-java 7.19.0
  • cucumber-java8 7.19.0
  • cucumber-junit 7.19.0
  • cucumber-testng 7.19.0


Example projects:

Courgette-JVM supports JUnit and TestNG to run cucumber features and scenarios in parallel. A JUnit runner class must be annotated with @RunWith(Courgette.class) and a TestNG runner class must extend TestNGCourgette.

  • threads : The number of concurrent threads to run cucumber features where each thread is started in an independant JVM process.

    • Example: If you have 10 cucumber features and you use 6 threads, 6 features would first run in parallel then the following 4 features would run in parallel.
  • runLevel : Options are CourgetteRunLevel.FEATURE or CourgetteRunLevel.SCENARIO

    • If set to feature level, all features would run in parallel. If set to scenario level, all scenarios would be run in parallel.
  • rerunFailedScenarios : If set to true, any failed scenario will be immediately re-run in the same thread. If the re-run succeeds, the initial failure will be ignored and not cause the build to fail.

    • When using CourgetteRunLevel.SCENARIO, only failed scenarios will be re-run.
    • When using CourgetteRunLevel.FEATURE, the entire feature (including all scenarios) will be re-run.
  • excludeFeatureFromRerun : If set, Courgette will prevent features from re-running when it fails.

    • Example: If excludeFeatureFromRerun = {Feature1.feature} and Feature1.feature and Feature2.feature both fail, Courgette will not re-run Feature1.feature but will re-run Feature2.feature. This is useful when you need to prevent a specific feature or scenario from re-running.
  • excludeTagFromRerun : If set, Courgette will prevent features and scenarios from re-running on failure when it finds a matching Cucumber tag.

    • Example: If excludeTagFromRerun = {@stable} and a test tagged with @stable fails, Courgette will not re-run that specific test but will continue to re-run other failing tests.
  • rerunAttempts : The number of re-run attempts for a failed scenario. (rerunFailedScenarios must be set to true)

  • testOutput : Redirects the output for each parallel test run.

    • CourgetteTestOutput.CONSOLE: Redirects the test output to the console.
    • CourgetteTestOutput.FILE: Redirects the test output to a file and saves it to ${reportTargetDir}/courgette-test-ouput
    • CourgetteTestOutput.DISCARD: All test output will be discarded.
  • reportTargetDir : Target directory where courgette-report is generated. Set to target by default.

  • generateCourgetteRunLog : If set to true, Courgette will generate a run log and save it to ${reportTargetDir}/courgette-run-{courgette_session_id}.json at the end of the test run.

  • plugin : Courgette supported plugins

    • reportportal: Allows the test results to be published to Report Portal at the end of the test run.
    • extentreports: Creates an interactive report based on the Extent Framework
    • mobile-device-allocator: Allows Courgette to track and allocate devices for mobile tests.
  • environmentInfo : Additional environment information that is displayed in the Courgette html report.

    • Each grouping must be separated by a ; character and adhere to the following format: key1=value1; key2=value2.
  • disableHtmlReport: If set, the Courgette and Cucumber html reports will not be generated at the end of the test run.

    • Options are HtmlReport.COURGETTE_HTML, HtmlReport.CUCUMBER_HTML and HtmlReport.COURGETTE_AND_CUCUMBER_HTML
  • persistParallelCucumberJsonReports: If set to true, Courgette will save the Cucumber json and ndjson reports for each parallel test to ${reportTargetDir}/session-reports/{session}

  • classPath: Allows a custom class path to be used when running tests.

    • The class path should point to: { "path-to-project-jars", "path-to-test-classes" }
  • slackWebhookUrl: The incoming webhook URL that Courgette uses to send messages to Slack.

  • slackChannel: The Slack channels that Courgette will post messages to.

  • slackTestId: A custom Slack identifier that will be sent with each message.

  • slackEventSubscription: The Courgette events to subscribe to that gets posted to Slack.

  • mobileDevice: The devices that Courgette will use to track and allocate for parallel mobile tests.

    • This option is required when using the CourgettePlugin.MOBILE_DEVICE_ALLOCATOR plugin.
  • mobileDeviceType: The mobile device types used for device allocation. This can be one of:

    • MobileDeviceType.SIMULATOR: Only simulator device names.
    • MobileDeviceType.REAL_DEVICE: Only real devices names, must match format deviceName:deviceUUID
    • MobileDeviceType.SIMULATOR_AND_REAL_DEVICE: Mixture of simulator and real device names.
  • realMobileDeviceTag: If set, Courgette will allocate a real mobile device for tests matching any one of the provided tags. To use this option, you must also specify mobileDeviceType as MobileDeviceType.REAL_DEVICE or MobileDeviceType.SIMULATOR_AND_REAL_DEVICE

  • fixedThreadDelay: A fixed time in milliseconds that Courgette will pause before the start of each feature or scenario.

  • randomThreadDelay: A random time in milliseconds that Courgette will pause before the start of each feature or scenario. Courgette will automatically set a random time between 0 and this value.

  • cucumberOptions : The standard cucumber options for specifying feature paths, glue, tags etc..

    • The publish cucumber option (supported from version 5.1.0) will publish a single cucumber report after parallel execution.
      • The published report link will be displayed in the console and saved to ${reportTargetDir}/cucumber-report-link.txt.
      • The published report link is also linked in the Courgette html report.
      • To keep the published report forever, provide a CUCUMBER_PUBLISH_TOKEN via a system property or an environment variable. You can get your token from


  • At the end of the test run, a single report ( if included in the cucumberOptions ) listing all executed features and scenarios will be created in the specified report path.

  • A courgette-rerun.txt file listing all failed scenarios will be created in the specified rerun plugin path or the target folder ( default )

  • A Courgette-JVM html report will be created in the reportTargetDir (defaulted to the target directory).

JUnit Runner
        threads = 10,
        runLevel = CourgetteRunLevel.SCENARIO,
        rerunFailedScenarios = true,
        rerunAttempts = 1,
        testOutput = CourgetteTestOutput.CONSOLE,
        reportTitle = "Courgette-JVM Example",
        reportTargetDir = "build",
        environmentInfo = "browser=chrome; git_branch=master",
        cucumberOptions = @CucumberOptions(
                features = "src/test/resources/features",
                glue = "steps",
                tags = "@regression and not @bug",
                publish = true,
                plugin = {
public class RegressionTestSuite {
TestNG Runner
        threads = 10,
        runLevel = CourgetteRunLevel.SCENARIO,
        rerunFailedScenarios = true,
        rerunAttempts = 1,
        testOutput = CourgetteTestOutput.CONSOLE,
        reportTitle = "Courgette-JVM Example",
        reportTargetDir = "build",
        environmentInfo = "browser=chrome; git_branch=master",
        cucumberOptions = @CucumberOptions(
                features = "src/test/resources/features",
                glue = "steps",
                tags = "@regression and not @bug",
                publish = true,
                plugin = {
public class RegressionTestSuite extends TestNGCourgette {

Gradle Build Task

tasks.withType(Test) {
    systemProperties = System.getProperties()

// JUnit
task regressionSuite(type: Test) {
    include '**/RegressionTestSuite.class'
    outputs.upToDateWhen { false }

// TestNG
task regressionSuite(type: Test) {
    include '**/RegressionTestSuite.class'
    outputs.upToDateWhen { false }

Override Runner Options

To override the hard-coded courgette options (threads, runLevel, rerunFailedScenarios, reportTargetDir, environmentInfo) set in the runner class, you can provide system properties to the gradle or maven task.

[gradle | mvn] test -Dcourgette.threads=2 -Dcourgette.runLevel=FEATURE -Dcourgette.rerunFailedScenarios=false -Dcourgette.reportTargetDir=build -Dcourgette.environmentInfo="git_branch=master; platform=ci"

To override the hard-coded cucumber options (tags, glue, plugin, name, junit) set in the runner class, you can provide comma separated system properties to the gradle task.

[gradle | mvn] test -Dcucumber.tags="@regression and not @bug" -Dcucumber.glue="steps, hooks"

To specify non standard VM options (-X options)

[gradle | mvn] test -Dcourgette.vmoptions="-Xms256m -Xmx512m"

JUnit Callbacks

You can add global setup and tear-down code to your Courgette test runner using the @CourgetteBeforeAll and @CourgetteAfterAll annotations. For example:

@CourgetteOptions(/* Your Courgette options here... */)
public class RegressionTestSuite {
    public static void setUp() {
        System.out.println("I will run before any tests execute");
    public static void tearDown() {
        System.out.println("I will run after all of the tests execute");

You can add any number of annotated methods to your test suite class. If you need your callbacks to run in a specific order, pass order to the annotation: @CourgetteBeforeAll(order = 2).

Courgette Run Information

You can access test statistics and additional run information if you need to analyze or perform extra tasks before or after the parallel test run.

Note: CourgetteRunInfo can only be accessed from a Courgette runner class.

JUnit Runner

@CourgetteOptions(/* Your Courgette options here... */)
public class RegressionTestSuite {

    public static void beforeRun() {
        System.out.println("Starting Courgette parallel run: " + CourgetteRunInfo.sessionId());

    public static void afterRun() {
      if (CourgetteRunInfo.testStatistics().hasFailures()) {
        // do something extra here

TestNG Runner

@CourgetteOptions(/* Your Courgette options here... */)
public class RegressionTestSuite extends TestNGCourgette {

    public static void beforeRun() {
        System.out.println("Starting Courgette parallel run: " + CourgetteRunInfo.sessionId());

    public static void afterRun() {
        if (CourgetteRunInfo.testStatistics().hasFailures()) {
            // do something extra here

Retrieve the Courgette Thread ID and Name


Slack Integration

Courgette allows real time test results and events to be posted to Slack as tests are run.

To enable this feature, add the following Courgette options to the Courgette runner:

      slackWebhookUrl = "",
      slackChannel = {"channel1", "channel2"},
      slackTestId = "Production test - Build 1.0.0",
      slackEventSubscription = {CourgetteEvent.ALL},
      cucumberOptions = @CucumberOptions(
      // cucumber options here

Slack Incoming Webhook URL

You need to create an incoming webhook URL to allow Courgette to post messages to your Slack application.

Event Subscription

You can subscribe to single or multiple Courgette events. When events are triggered as the tests run, Courgette will post a message to the Slack channels defined in the runner.

  • ALL


Report Portal Integration

Courgette allows test results to be published in real time to the Report Portal server as tests run.

To enable this feature, add the following Courgette option to the Courgette runner:

      plugin = { CourgettePlugin.REPORT_PORTAL },
      cucumberOptions = @CucumberOptions(
      // cucumber options here

You must have the file in your classpath and the following properties must be defined:

# Report Portal server (mandatory)
rp.endpoint = http://localhost:8080

# Report Portal project (mandatory)
rp.project = courgette_example

# Report Portal API access token (mandatory)
rp.apitoken = a1e5ee78-317c-477d-b27e-f174c562aedc

# Report Portal launch name (optional)
rp.launch = My Demo Project

# Report Portal test suite (optional)
rp.testsuite = Regression Test Suite

# Report Portal launch attributes (optional)
# Each attribute must be separated by ';'
rp.attributes = suite:regression;build:12345

Note: Any property other than those defined above will be ignored by Courgette.

An API access token is required to allow Courgette to publish the report. To obtain an API access token, log in to Report Portal UI and navigate to http://localhost:8080/ui/#api -> UAT -> sso-endpoint -> Get api token

After the test run is complete, the test results will be published to the Report Portal server.


Extent Reports Integration

Courgette allows the creation of interactive reports using the Extent Reports Courgette plugin.

To enable this feature, add the following Courgette option to the Courgette runner:

      plugin = { CourgettePlugin.EXTENT_REPORTS },
      cucumberOptions = @CucumberOptions(
      // cucumber options here

At the end of the test run the report will be saved to ${reportTargetDir}/courgette-extentreports

To configure custom reports (i.e. change the report name or theme) you should create the extent-config.xml file in the classpath. Courgette will load this XML config when it builds the report. If this file is not provided then default values will be used. View an example here


Allure Integration

Courgette allows the generation of Allure reports using the Allure Cucumber plugin.

      cucumberOptions = @CucumberOptions(
         plugin = {


Courgette Mobile Device Allocator

Courgette provides a mobile device allocator to allocate and keep track of devices for parallel mobile testing. Courgette keeps track of devices that are currently in use and automatically allocates a free device for each test.

        plugin = { CourgettePlugin.MOBILE_DEVICE_ALLOCATOR },
        mobileDeviceType = MobileDeviceType.SIMULATOR,
        mobileDevice = {
                "iPhone 8",
                "iPhone 12",
                "iPhone 13"
        cucumberOptions = @CucumberOptions(
        // cucumber options here

The Courgette mobile device allocator plugin will:

  • Create a pool of devices based on mobileDevice and will automatically allocate a randomly selected available device for each parallel test.
  • Determine the optimal parallel threads based on the sum of devices defined in mobileDevice. The sum of mobileDevice will take precedence over threads defined in the Courgette runner.
  • Expose the device name, parallel port and uuid (if provided) during the runtime of each parallel test.
  • If mobileDeviceType is SIMULATOR_AND_REAL_DEVICE then Courgette will allocate a real device for tests tagged with any matching tag defined in Courgette option realMobileDeviceTag and allocate a simulator for all other tests.


  • Each mobileDevice must be unique unless using real devices where a UUID is also required.
  • Courgette will remove any duplicate devices if detected.
  • Courgette will allocate a randomly selected device for every test run. Specific device allocation cannot be guaranteed per test.

How to integrate Courgette Mobile Device Allocator

  • CourgetteMobileDeviceAllocator.DEVICE_NAME returns one of the available devices from the mobileDevice list.
  • CourgetteMobileDeviceAllocator.UDID returns the UUID for the device (only required for real devices).
  • CourgetteMobileDeviceAllocator.PARALLEL_PORT returns a free local port (required for parallel device testing).

The above properties are only available when running tests using a Courgette runner with the CourgettePlugin.MOBILE_DEVICE_ALLOCATOR plugin.

iOS Appium Test Configuration

DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
capabilities.setCapability("deviceName", CourgetteMobileDeviceAllocator.DEVICE_NAME); 
capabilities.setCapability("udid", CourgetteMobileDeviceAllocator.UDID); 
capabilities.setCapability("wdaLocalPort", CourgetteMobileDeviceAllocator.PARALLEL_PORT);

Android Appium Test Configuration

DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
capabilities.setCapability("avd", CourgetteMobileDeviceAllocator.DEVICE_NAME); 
capabilities.setCapability("udid", CourgetteMobileDeviceAllocator.UDID); 
capabilities.setCapability("systemPort", CourgetteMobileDeviceAllocator.PARALLEL_PORT);

SauceLabs Appium Test Configuration

MutableCapabilities capabilities = new MutableCapabilities();
capabilities.setCapability("appium:deviceName", CourgetteMobileDeviceAllocator.DEVICE_NAME);

BrowserStack Appium Test Configuration

DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
capabilities.setCapability("device", CourgetteMobileDeviceAllocator.DEVICE_NAME);

Pass Mobile Devices at Runtime

[mvn | gradle] test -Dcourgette.mobileDevice="iPhone X, iPhone 12, iPhone 13"

Using Real Devices

Unlike simulators where the device name must be unique, on real devices you can specify the same device name as long as the UUIDs are different for each device.

Format: deviceName:deviceUUID

mobileDevice = {
     "iPhone 8:00000000-000-0000-0000-000000000001",
     "iPhone 8:00000000-000-0000-0000-000000000002",
     "iPhone 8:00000000-000-0000-0000-000000000003"

Limitations and Known Issues

  • Each feature / scenario is run using the Cucumber CLI and because of this JUnit is not notified off the result whilst the tests are being executed.

Submitting Issues

For any issues or requests, please submit here