Instead of the old drag-n-drop, this script will provide you with text boxes to input the preference numbers.
- Go to station preference page on psd site.
- Open the console in developer tools of your browser (
for chrome). - Copy and paste the code below in the console. You can also use the save.js file present in this repo.
- Text boxes will appear on page with current preference for each station.
- Use these input boxes to assign preference number to each station.
- Make sure there are no duplicate value. If there are, then the page will prompt you that there are invalid values present.
- Make sure that all the values between
and(total number of stations) - 1
are present. If not, page will alert you that all ranks are not available. - Save the form using
Save All Preferences
button. - Re-visit the page again, and make sure all the changes are saved.
Now this script supports swapping of preference numbers !!!
Suppose you have have station A
on perference 5
and another station B
on 190
. Now if you enter
against station B
, preference of station A
will automatically be updated to 190
Make sure you press Enter
after input for this swap to take place.
$("span[id|='spnRank']").each(function (i, el) {
$(this).html('<input type="text" style="color:black;" class="prefRankByPP" value="'+i+'">')
function save() {
len = $('.col-sm-12.item-blue').length
cnt = new Array(len).fill(0)
$('.col-sm-12.item-blue').each(function () {
rank = parseInt($(this).find('input.prefRankByPP').val())
cnt[rank] += 1
sum = 0
b = false
for(i in cnt) {
e = cnt[i]
sum += e
if(e != 1) {
alert("Invalid value at index" + (parseInt(i)+1))
b = true
if(!b && sum!=len) {
alert('All ranks not available. values should be between 0-'+(len-1))
// check = ok
// now save
var accomo = "false";
var contistation = 1;
var i = 0;
jsondata = "";
jsonvalue = "";
jsondata = "[";
$('.col-sm-12.item-blue').each(function () {
spn = $(this).find('span.spanclass').attr('spn')
accomo = "false"
if ($('.accomo[chkaccomo="' + spn + '"]').is(':checked') == true) {
accomo = "true";
else {
accomo = "false";
rank = parseInt($(this).find('input.prefRankByPP').val()) + 1
jsondata += "{"
jsondata += "'isActive':'1',"
jsondata += "'PreferenceNo':'" + rank + "','StationId':'" + spn + "',"
jsondata += "'Accommodation':'" + accomo + "',"
jsondata += "},"
jsondata = jsondata.substr(0, jsondata.length - 1);
jsondata += "]";
if ($('#consta').is(":checked")) {
contistation = 1;
jsonvalue += "'isActive':'1',"
jsonvalue += "'ContinueStation':'"+ contistation+"',"
jsonvalue = jsonvalue.substr(0, jsonvalue.length - 1);
jsonvalue = '{' + jsonvalue + '}';
else {
contistation = 0;
saveprefdata(jsondata, jsonvalue, contistation);
$('#btnSave').one("click", save)
// swap preference numbers
$('.prefRankByPP').each(function () {
$(this).data('val', $(this).val())
$('.prefRankByPP').change(function () {
preVal = $(this).data('val')
curVal = $(this).val()
b = false
ct = this
$('.prefRankByPP').each(function () {
swapVal = $(this).val()
if(swapVal == curVal && this != ct) {
$(this).data('val', preVal)
b = true
if(!b) {
} else {
$(this).data('val', $(this).val())