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330 lines (247 loc) · 6.55 KB

File metadata and controls

330 lines (247 loc) · 6.55 KB


This repository is a flask starter kit focusing on making robust API.

API Usage

The api root will contain generated Swagger documentation for endpoints. On a local environment this will usually be http://localhost:5000 if using docker-compose.

API implements simple social network data model

alt text

API webview screenshot

alt text

Dev Setup

Copy the example .env file

cp .env.example .env

Run the Docker container the first time:

docker-compose up -d

After updating the source tree, to refresh the api containers:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d --force-recreate

Running migrations:

docker-compose run api alembic upgrade head

Check that the api is running at (

Python dependencies

You must install the pipenv utility on your computer to update dependencies.

See the Installation guide

To add a dependency to Pipfile and update Pipfile.lock

# from your project's root directory
pipenv install [package-name]

You can can also specify the version. Using ~= is preferred to == so the packages can be updated. Dont specify the patch version. For example: instead of ==3.9.2 use ~=3.9.

pipenv install [package-name]~=[version]

If you manually add a package to the Pipfile

pipenv lock

Add the dependencies to your current container

docker-compose exec api pipenv install --deploy --system

Rebuild the image (updates dependencies on the docker image):

docker-compose build api

Update dependencies to your current container

  • Add = "*" in packages section of Pipfile and execute below command to update single lib into env.
  • Don't forgot to commit updated Pipfile.lock file.
docker-compose exec api pipenv update [library]

View logs

docker-compose logs -f

Database Migrations

Generating a Migration:

docker-compose run api alembic revision --autogenerat -m "<description of changes>"

Fixes migration permissions:

sudo chown -R ${USER}:${USER} alembic/versions

Running migrations:

docker-compose run api alembic upgrade head

Rolling back

docker-compose run api alembic downgrade -1

Resolve a Schema Conflict with a Merge

  • check is schema conflict heads
alembic heads

1e21d19c87f5 (head)
35cc6bc4108f (head)

  • Merge conflict heads
alembic  merge -m "message" [HEAD-1] [HEAD-2]

alembic  merge -m "merge migrations 11912dfa54c4, 1944c1e7a0f4" 11912dfa54c4 1944c1e7a0f4

Create Mock Data Seed

  • Goto mock_seed/data
cd mock_seed/data
  • Create mock data seed xml file
<table name="table_name">
  • Open mock_seed/ and add file name in array of seed_file_order.
seed_file_order = [
  • Run mock seed script
docker-compose run api python
  • All the seeds used in this repository is generated by folowing repository


Create Test Data Seed

  • Goto tests/seed/data
cd tests/seed/data
  • Create test data seed xml file
<table name="table_name">
  • Open tests/ and add file name in array of seed_file_order.
seed_file_order = [


docker-compose testing

Run all tests with docker

docker-compose run api_test

localhost testing

  • Create test database
  • open .env file and set TEST_DATABASE_URI value
#Run all tests
python -m pytest -v

#Run specific test file
python -m pytest [file_path]

python -m pytest tests/resources/
python -m pytest tests/resources/

Branching Strategy

Creating a release

Based on the git-flow workflow

git checkout -b release/2.0.0 qa
git commit -a -m "release [2.0.0] - 2019-06-01"
git checkout staging
git pull
git merge --ff-only release/2.0.0
git tag -a 2.0.0 -m "[2.0.0] - 2019-06-01"
git checkout dev
git merge release/2.0.0

Code Style

  • Use PEP 8
  • Use mypy typing whenever possible
  • Make sure all code changes are linted
  • Only break a standard if you have a good reason for doing so
  • Disable linting rules on a case by case basis
  • Make sure you understand the reason for a linting error before disabling a rule


Always try to have 10/10 code. If you have a good reason to break the standard use # pylint: diable=.

Use pylint to lint the code:

pylint api

Coding guidelines

Don't Repeat Yourself! (DRY)

Always try to abstract out common code in a way that can be used a la carte.

API Documentation

cd docs
sphinx-apidoc -f -o . ../api
cd docs
make html


The marshmallow_with is based on the flask_restplus marshal_with() decorator

Docker Details

The docker-compose.yml defines a network named flask_api_kit. Containers are addressible by name within this network. This means that the api project api container can resolve the project minio container.

This is why the api container uses the minio of http://minio:9000

Coding guidelines

Don't Repeat Yourself! (DRY)

Always try to abstract out common code in a way that can be used a la carte.

API Documentation

cd docs
sphinx-apidoc -f -o . ../api
cd docs
make html

useful commands

clean out all pyc files

find . -name \*.pyc -delete