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By Preethi G

This is Python for AI/ML Internship 2nd Assignment at Elite Techno Groups. Olympic Games from 1896- 2012. The analysis is carried on Google Colab.

LIBRARY USED : Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Numpy

DATA : This is a historical dataset on Olympic games, including all the games from 1896-2012. The data was taken from the Kaggle website.

NOTE : This analysis is primarily on Summer Olympics.

About this Project?

This is Olympics Data Analysis Project created using Python and CSV file. It is an Exploratory Data Analysis on Olympics Games from 1896 to 2012. I analysized the dataset from the Kaggle

Olympics Data Analysis has:

  1. Data Cleaning and Understanding
  2. My Observations
  3. Summer Olympics
  4. Summer Data Description
  5. Top Countries Participation
  6. Gender Participation

Assignment Questions: (Answered)

  1. In how many cities Summer Olympics is held so far?
  2. Which sport is having most number of Gold Medals so far? (Top 5)
  3. Which sport is having most number of medals so far? (Top 5)
  4. Which player has won most number of medals? (Top 5)
  5. Which player has won most number Gold Medals of medals? (Top 5)
  6. In which year India won first Gold Medal in Summer Olympics?
  7. Which event is most popular in terms on number of players? (Top 5)
  8. Which sport is having most female Gold Medalists? (Top 5)

My Analysis:

Here are my observations from the three datasets: I'm going to grouped the datasets into two, i.e

  1. Summer Olympics
  2. Winter Olympics

I have specifically analysed "SUMMER OLYMPICS".

CSV File:

  1. dictionary.csv - This file contains Country, Code, Population and GDP per Capita.
  2. summer.csv - This file contains all summer olympics games. (This contains the Summer Olympics Games database)
  3. winter.csv - This file contains all winter olympics games.

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