A Simple wrapper for Swagger based mongoose CRUD operation. This plugin is a modfied version of the Mongoose CRUD operation introducted by Micheal Krone.
This module exposes following basic operations.
- Create
- Update
- Read
- Delete
- Index (list)
npm install https://github.com/capiotsoftware/swagger-mongoose-crud.git --save
var Mongoose = require('Mongoose');
var SMCrud = require('swagger-mongoose-crud.git');
//In your controller, simply expose the following
var schema = new Mongoose.Schema({
//Your mongoose Schema definition here.
var modelName = "Your model Name";
var options = {
collectionName: "name of your collection",
logger: "your logger object"
var crud = new SMCrud(schema,modelName, options);
var exports = {};
//Takes all parameters for creating an entry
exports.create = crud.create;
//Takes parameter 'id' for searching in the DB, will update rest of the parameters.
exports.update = crud.update;
//Will list out the entire collection, No parameters
exports.index = crud.index;
//Will mark the entity as deleted by setting deleted flag to true, takes 'id'
exports.markAsDeleted = crud.markAsDeleted;
//Will delete the entity, takes 'id'
exports.destroy = crud.destroy;
//Will show a single entity, takes 'id'
exports.show = crud.show;
//Will count the number of entries in the DB, Supports filter options.
exports.count = crud.count;
//crud.model will hold the Mongoose Model.
//crud.schema will hold the schema passed on at constructor
crud.select = [
//list of the fields for the listing in Index call
crud.omit = [
//list of the fields to disallow for Index search
module.exports = exports;
- createdAt : Type Date. The time of creation of the document
- lastUpdated : Type Date. The last updated time of the document
- deleted : Type Boolean. This is false by default. The
- lastUpdated
- createdAt .