we would like to train a classifier such that readouts can be performed on the same classifier, for varying tasks.
we exploit relatedness between tasks. this is useful when datasets for a particular task are limited, but that task is related to others, for which large datasets are available.
when tasks are independent, there is no advantage to multi-task learning, compared to 'single-task' learning.
Notice that in MTL, while we exploit knowledge across multiple tasks, the motivation is different to transfer learning, for which, though we may draw from many source tasks, we are ultimately interested in one target task.
- set of
$m$ learning tasks:${ T_i }_{i=1}^m$ - dataset for task
$T_i$ :$\mathcal{D} = {X_j^i, Y_j^i}_{j=1}^{n_i}$
Given a set of
consider each task is learned by the linear hypothesis function such that
$$ h(x) = w^Tx $$
we can use empirical risk minimisation across tasks, to find the optimal set of
We share either parameters or features between tasks, using either parameter-based MTL, or feature-based MTL.
we study 4 models. the last one is the most cracked.
model 1
we assume tasks are related by parameters such that
using empirical risk minimisation across tasks, we have
$$W^* = w_0 + \Delta W^* :w_0, \Delta W^* = \arg \min_{w_0, \Delta W} \frac{1}{m} \sum_{i=1}^m
\sum_{j=1}^{n_i} \ell(X^i_j, Y^i_j, w_0 + \Delta w^i)$$
which we want to outperform
$$\text {do} \quad w^{i*} = \arg \min_{w^i}
\frac{1}{n_i} \sum_{j=1}^{n_i} \ell (X^i_j, Y^i_j, w^i)
\quad \text {for } i \dots m$$
model 2 We can use square Frobenius norm regularisation to improve our empirical risk minimisation, such that relatedness between tasks is improved.
$$\arg \min_{w_0, \Delta W} \frac{1}{m} \sum_{i=1}^m \sum_{j=1}^{n_i} \ell(X^i_j, Y^i_j, w_0 + \Delta w^i)
- \lambda ||\Delta W||_F^2$$
consider that the above regularisation minimises large differences between each
$\Delta w^i$ .
model 3 We can use a rank regularisation term to improve relatedness.
rank: of a matrix is the maximum number of linearly independent columns.
if our regularisation term is a scaled rank of
model 4
We consider each task to be learned by a hypothesis function
$u$ and$v$ are vectors that store the difference of this hypothesis' weights to$\Theta$ - we assume all samples have
$p$ dimensions across all tasks.$\Theta$ is a$p$ -dimensional parameter subspace, uniform across all hypotheses. we assume hypotheses all have$n_w$ parameters.$\Theta$ is in the form of a matrix in$\mathbb{R}^{n_w \times p}$ and has low rank.
So consider each
now we find optimal
- we also make the constraint that
$\Theta^T \Theta = I_{n_w \times n_w}$ . This ensures parameters in the shared parameter subspace are orthonormal, and therefore non-redundant/highly descriptive. - notice we're also regularising
$U$ , to reduce the difference between additive transformations to$\Theta^Tv^i$ for each hypothesis.- i.e. another way to ensure hypotheses' weights are closer together.
each task has dataset
we study two models.
model 1
consider the same formulation of
- notice using rank to regularise
$W$ , to improve relatedness of parameters, as previous.
model 2
construct a neural network, with unique output layer for each task. that is, output layer will receive from varying hidden nodes, with varying weights, but otherwise input and hidden layers are the same.
the neural network can be considered a feature extraction procedure; output layers learn from the same features.
after projecting samples into a shared feature space, we can again consider that hypotheses might be related by some shared parameter.
\arg\min_{w_0, \Delta W, P} \frac{1}{m} \sum_{i=1}^m \frac{1}{n_i}
\sum_{j=1}^{n_i} \ell(P^TX^i_j, Y^i_j, w_0 + \Delta w^i) +
\lambda ||W||_F^2$$