This repository contains the code used in my honours project at USYD, to quantify information transfer between neural spike trains.
The dataset used was published with this paper. We analysed Neuropixels data of spontaneuous activity in visual areas of the two mice Waksman and Krebs.
Information transfer is quantified using the information theoretic measure called 'transfer entropy'. The tool used for estimating transfer entropy between events (like neural spikes) in continuous-time was developed in this study.
We also applied the continuous-time estimator to infer effective networks of multivariate information transfers. You can read about these networks here.
contains transfer entropy estimations between pairs of cells in our dataset as implemented by
contains the same method but was used to estimate TE between cells in different areas of the mouse brain in our
contains results post-processing and plotting.
contains transfer entropy estimation inside an algorithm for effective network inference as implemented by
contains results post-processing and plotting.
extracts relevant spike times from the Neuropixels
processes spikes into python pickles for use in effective network inference.