diff --git a/Assignments/Corba/README.md b/Assignments/Corba/README.md
index ec39c6c..9adf930 100644
--- a/Assignments/Corba/README.md
+++ b/Assignments/Corba/README.md
@@ -7,14 +7,13 @@ This assignment consists of three projects:
The deisgn follows a pseudo MVC style layout since the main data storage elements will be re-used for the future assignments; this concept was extended to the `RegionalServer` implmentation which has now been moved into the base project since all ofthe manipulation of the `RecordsMap` and Server-Server UDP communication is common but may require more functionality. This means the controllers are simple wrapper that only contain the CORBA implementation and test code.
### Models
-> None of these have change and are all used by the RMI implementation
Class | Description
:---: | :---
Feild | Indicats the possible feild names which can be edited
Region | Enum to handle the prefixing, name and port for any region
-ProjectIdentifier | _Wraps CORBA Object_ Contains all the formatting of a project ID
-Project | _Wraps CORBA Object_ Contains a ProjectIdentifier and other information to define a project
+ProjectIdentifier* | Contains all the formatting of a project ID
+Project* | Contains a ProjectIdentifier and other information to define a project
RecordType | Enum to help with ID formatting and identification
RecordIdentifier | Contains all the formatting and management for an ID
Record | Contains the RecordIdentifier and all the required feilds to record a human
@@ -22,6 +21,8 @@ ManagerRecord | Specialization for a managers record with all information
EmployeeRecord | Specialization for an employee record with all information
RecordsMap | Hashmap of linked list of records with access control
+>* - _Wraps CORBA Object_ // No longer directly contains the data structures but is still resposible for all the formatting
### Interface
The interface definitions are present in this category, written in IDL and compiled into java; The Corba defined implementation for the various stubs, helpers, POAs can also be found in this section as they are shared by both the client and server implementations.