This repogitory contains the extensions of Mitsuba2 renderer for light-transport rendering in consideration of light dimensions: polarization, direction, and time. We developed this software for our SIGGRAPH Asia 2021 publication: Polarimetric Spatio-Temporal Light Transport Probing.
We aim to simulate 7D light transport
To simulate spatial imaging, we place a 2D emitter and a 2D detector and pixels are sampled in their screen spaces.
That is, we sample $uv\in[0,1]^2\sim\mathbb{S}{\text{sensor}}, st\in[0,1]^2\sim\mathbb{S}{\text{emitter}}$ as emitter and detector coordinates, and we only consider those that satisfy
Use the following xml commands for setting the parameters of the spatial probing.
<!-- Some measure of spatial probing on direct light contribution. For example, if we sample a
light towards a given light towards the current point, it should only contribute if its own
uv coordinate is within some range of uv. -->
<float name="delta_x" value="$delta_x"/>
<float name="eps_x" value="$eps_x"/>
<!-- isolate light emitted between two y bounds given in 0 to 1. -->
<!-- as compared to delta_x or delta_y and eps_x or eps_y above, this is directly on the
emitter -->
<float name="min_isolate_y" value="$min_isolate_y"/>
<float name="max_isolate_y" value="$max_isolate_y"/>
Temporal rendering is based on the time-of-flight from the emitter to the sensor. Only photons that satisfy
Use the following xml commands for setting the parameters of the temporal probing.
<!-- time gated values, along with the speed to use when computing distance to time. -->
<float name="min_t" value="$min_t"/>
<float name="max_t" value="$max_t"/>
<float name="light_speed" value="$light_speed"/>
<!-- What time value will actually get rendered i.e. below is at 0.1 units. -->
<float name="render_at" value="0.1"/>
<!-- The speed of light relative to distance. i.e. 1 distance unit is 10k time units. -->
<float name="speed_of_light" value="10000."/>
We make use of polarimetric-rendering feature implemented in Mitsuba2. Specifically, we constructed a virtual imaging system with dual-rotating retarders (see our paper) in Mitsuba2.
You can utilize our implemented features by simply writing your Mitsuba2 xml files.
<!-- A modified volumetric path integrator, which also allows for gating. -->
<integrator type="volpath_simple">
<!-- time gated values, along with the speed to use when computing distance to time. -->
<float name="min_t" value="$min_t"/>
<float name="max_t" value="$max_t"/>
<float name="light_speed" value="$light_speed"/>
<!-- Some measure of spatial probing on direct light contribution. For example, if we sample a
light towards a given light towards the current point, it should only contribute if its own
uv coordinate is within some range of uv. -->
<float name="delta_x" value="$delta_x"/>
<float name="eps_x" value="$eps_x"/>
<!-- whether to render things within give time, or render everything outside of given time -->
<boolean name="invert_x" value="$invert_x"/>
<!-- max number of bounces -->
<integer name="max_depth" value="$max_depth"/>
<!-- isolate light emitted between two y bounds given in 0 to 1-->
<!-- as compared to delta_x or delta_y and eps_x or eps_y above, this is directly on the
emitter -->
<float name="min_isolate_y" value="$min_isolate_y"/>
<float name="max_isolate_y" value="$max_isolate_y"/>
Our code is based on the original Mitsuba2 renderer. Julian Knodt mainly developed the extensions and Seung-Hwan Baek advised the process. If you use our renderer in your research, please cite our paper using the following BibText template:
Author = {Seung-Hwan Baek and Felix Heide},
Year = {2021},
Title = {Polarimetric Spatio-Temporal Light Transport Probing},
journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Prof. SIGGRAPH Asia 2021)},