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Releases: prismicio/slice-machine


18 Dec 21:15
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Hey there!

Today we are happy to release a small patch release to add on top of our recent v1.22.0. This release includes a couple of small bug fixes.

Small bug fixes

  • Correctly display your personal sandbox (an upcoming feature!).
  • Prevent an error where Slice Machine crashes when incorrect dependency versions are installed.


15 Dec 00:03
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Hey! 👋

Today we are happy to bring support for SvelteKit 2!

How to update an existing SvelteKit project

Upgrading to SvelteKit 2 does not require any changes to your Prismic code. It does, however, require updating your packages.

  1. Update your Prismic packages:

    npm install --save-dev slice-machine-ui@latest @slicemachine/adapter-sveltekit@latest
    npm install @prismicio/svelte@latest
  2. Migrate your project to SvelteKit 2 using the official migration guide.

Better support for bootstrapping SvelteKit projects

In addition to supporting SvelteKit 2, we also updated @slicemachine/init to bootstrap existing SvelteKit projects with better Prismic preview support.

Add Prismic to existing projects by running the following command:

npx @slicemachine/init@latest


We recommend starting projects with a Prismic starter.

Starters already contain the configuration needed for a fully-featured website. The updates to @slicemachine/init are for projects that did not start with a Prismic starter.


13 Dec 17:27
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Hey there!

Today we are happy to release a small patch release to add on top of our recent v1.21.2. This release adds a few UI improvements and small bug fixes.

Small UI improvements and bug fixes

  • We fixed a few UI issues on environments support in Slice Machine
  • We fixed a UI issue on the button to add a new slice variation


01 Dec 17:38
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Hey there!

Today we are happy to release a small patch release to add on top of our recent v1.21.1 This release adds a few UI improvements and small bug fixes.

Small UI improvements and bug fixes

  • We have enhanced error handling for both login and repository access. Users will now receive distinct error messages in cases where they are not logged in or do not have access to the repository.
  • We fixed a few UI issues in the nav bar.


23 Nov 16:45
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Hey there!

Today we are happy to release a small patch release to add on top of our recent v1.21.0. This release adds a few improvements and small bug fixes.

Small improvements and bug fixes

  • Fix npm audit reporting a moderate vulnerability with a sub-dependency of Slice Machine
  • Added the support of environments for newly created Next and Sveltekit projects
  • Fixed minor UI styling issues


22 Nov 14:56
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Heya! 🎉

Big progress this week. We're delighted to release Slice Machine v1.21.0 today, introducing 2 really nice additions to the Slice Machine UI

👩🏽‍💻 Developper collaboration - switch environments within Slice Machine UI

Prismic environments (available as a paid add-on to Platinum plans) allow you to clone your entire repository for development. With the release of 1.21, Slice Machine now supports environments, meaning you can switch between your production and development repositories using a toggle in the Slice Machine interface.

Environments allow large teams to safely and smoothly create new models in Prismic, avoiding conflicts and collaboration issues.

To make environments work in Slice Machine, follow these steps:

  • Update slice-machine-ui
  • Update your adapter
  • Update your API configuration
  • Update your .gitignore

Here are the steps for each framework:


Update packages:

npm i -D slice-machine-ui@latest @slicemachine/adapter-next@latest

Update prismicio.js:

- export const repositoryName = config.repositoryName;
+ export const repositoryName =
+   process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_PRISMIC_ENVIRONMENT || config.repositoryName;

Update .gitignore:

+ .env.local


Update packages (Nuxt 2):

npm i -D slice-machine-ui@latest @slicemachine/adapter-nuxt2@latest

Update packages (Nuxt 3):

npm i -D slice-machine-ui@latest @slicemachine/adapter-nuxt@latest

In Nuxt, you don’t need to update your API config. @nuxtjs/prismic will handle the config automatically.

Make sure you have the latest version of @nuxtjs/prismic

Update .gitignore:

+ .env


npm i -D slice-machine-ui@latest @slicemachine/adapter-next@latest


- export const repositoryName = config.repositoryName;
+ export const repositoryName = 
+   import.meta.env.VITE_PRISMIC_ENVIRONMENT || config.repositoryName;


+ .env.local

Behind the scenes, Slice Machine will update your environment variables to the currently-selected Prismic environment. You don't need to edit your environment variables (though, as previously stated, you must ensure that they are .gitignore’d so you don’t accidentally deploy your staging environment).

Learn more in the environments documentation.

Slice Machine Environments

Teaser: this is only the beginning of a series of initiatives toward improving collaboration in a Prismic project 🔥

🚤 In-app guidance: "5 minutes to render a page".

  • New users can now get access to a brand new video in-app guide to let them learn how to create and render a page in under 5 minutes.



17 Nov 16:51
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Heya! 🎉

We're delighted to release Slice Machine v1.20.0 today, introducing the rename and delete of Slice Variations

🎨 Delete and Rename Slice Variations

  • Users can now rename and delete locally their Slices variations, from the Slice Machine UI.

🚀 Enhancements

  • We improved the init command to better handle repositories featuring lots of custom types and slices. The process should now complete successfully even if you have large amount of models to download.
  • We improved the way adapters handle file system interaction for projects featuring many custom types and slices. Slice Machine should not fail anymore to load if you have large amount of models to handle.


10 Nov 15:59
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Hey! 🎉

We are excited to announce the release of Slice Machine v1.19.2 today.

⚙️ Bug fixes

  • Prevent tutorial tooltip to be visible too early
  • Fix custom type builder overflowing when it has too many tabs


30 Oct 12:59
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Hey! 🎉

We are excited to announce the release of Slice Machine v1.19.1 today, which includes the following patch built upon our v1.19.0 release, following the release of the new Next.js 14.

Slice Machine can now be successfully installed and run in a Next.js 14 project. We are thrilled to see these fantastic improvements on the Next.js side and are committed to making Prismic and Slice Machine the perfect fit for your Next.js project.


26 Oct 14:08
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Heya! 🎉

We're delighted to release Slice Machine v1.19.0 today, featuring a lot of enhancements and enabling us to work on new and exciting features for the weeks to come.

🎨 Enhanced UI

  • We revamped the slice builder UI. Creating and managing slice variations will now be easier and we'll soon work on new features for them.

🚀 Smoother init command

  • The command's end message has been reworked to be clearer.
  • Repository name length limit is increased to 63 and now aligned with the one of the dashboard, allowing you to still initialize your project correctly when you have long repository names.
  • When failing to create a new repository because of an invalid authentication state, the process will prompt you to log in again instead of failing.

👁️ SvelteKit previews

  • @slicemachine/adapter-svelte will initialize your Slice Machine project with Prismic's latest standards, now supporting previews on Svelte website as well as Prettier 3.

⚙️ Bug fixes

  • Prettier 3 is now fully supported and ESM-only Prettier plugins shouldn't cause issues anymore.
  • Empty slice folders won't cause Slice Machine to fail anymore.
  • We reworked how slice screenshots are uploaded to Prismic to prevent issues on slower internet connection.
  • We fixed various issues with Slice Machine modals where some could stay opened after being validated and others had wrong focus states leading to unexpected exits.
  • Slice Machine UI will now reconcile its state with the filesystem when possible, allowing for a more intuitive experience when changes happen from the file system.
  • As a consequence, this fixes a bug that happened when saving a model from the Slice Machine UI was erasing rich text labels manually added.
  • @slicemachine/adapter-nuxt has been updated to be compatible with Nuxt 3.8 TypeScript changes.