ABOUT THIS PROJECT: Spring Boot based REST service for Commerce Scenario. It exposes products and categories endpoints. And, uses Mongo DB to store the document representation of product and category entities.
HOW TO RUN LOCALLY: Service can be run locally using - mvn spring-boot:run For this project to work locally- you would need Mongo DB running with default configuration. Please visit following Swagger Console -� http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
TECHNOLOGIES USED: -Spring boot -Spring data for Mongo DB -Swagger -Mongo DB -Spock test framework
AREAS OF IMPROVEMENT -Validations for missing fields -Non-blocking IO can be incorporated -Better Test coverage
EXAMPLES - Product json: { "productId": "top01", "name": { "de": "croppen top", "en": "crop top" }, "description": { "de": "croppen top", "en": "crop top" }, "details": { "color": "yellow", "size": [ "S", "M" ], "material": "cotton" }, "categoryId": "32", "price": { "base": "USD", "amount": 234.78, "supportedCurrencies": [ "INR", "EUR" ] } }
Category json:
"categoryId": "32",
"name": {
"en": "skirt",
"de": "skirt"
"parent": "45",
"ancestors": [
"categoryId": "46",
"name": {
"en": "western wear",
"de": "westlich kleidung"
"categoryId": "48",
"name": {
"en": "women",
"de": "damen"