This repository contains the code for Music Genre Recognition project
- Python 3.6.5
- Tensorflow - 1.7.0
- Keras - 2.2.4
- Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib
- Librosa - 0.6.2
Download FMA Small from: Raw data is 8GB and consists of audio from 8000 songs + metadata with features like MFCC
The raw audio has been converted to mel-spectograms and pickled. There are 3 files for training, validation and testing on the drive link -
You only need these files for running any of the notebooks with the neural networks.
To run code in any of these notebooks, first please download raw data from FMA Github link above
- load_fma_dataset: Loads fma_dataset and explores it.
- Plot_Spectograms: Plots spectograms for the 8 different genres
- convert_to_npz: Loads the raw audio, converts each file to a spectogram and pickles the results to make it easy for training models. The output from this are the datasets in the drive link above
To run the code below, please download the processed data from the drive
baseline_model_fma: This model uses the metadata in tracks.csv to load MFCC features and builds a SVC classifier.
CRNN_model: This notebook uses the compressed spectograms to build a CRNN model in Keras
CNN_RNN_Parallel: This notebook uses the compressed spectograms to build a a parallel CNN-RNN model in Keras
models folder has the trained weights for the 2 models.
Activation_Visualization: This notebook loads the weights for Parallel CNN-RNN model and uses the keras_vis package to draw activation visualizations for the filters in convolution block 1 and convolution block 5
Embedding_Clustering_CRNN: This notebook extracts the features from the first dense layer of CRNN model and performs clustering on them. It then compares the outputs of the clustering with the true labels