heroku logs --tail --app cmusv-cedar
heroku pg:backups capture --app cmusv-cedar
heroku run script/rails console --app cmusv-cedar
Course.copy_courses_from_a_semester_to_next_year("Fall", 2013)
Course.copy_courses_from_a_semester_to_next_year("Spring", 2014)
Course.copy_courses_from_a_semester_to_next_year("Summer", 2014)
(optional) heroku pg:backups capture --app cmusv-cedar
heroku run script/rails console --app cmusv-cedar
c = Course.find(**ID**)
heroku run rake whiteboard:email_faculty_to_configure_current_semester_courses --app cmusv-cedar
heroku run rake whiteboard:email_faculty_to_configure_next_semester_courses --app cmusv-cedar
heroku run script/rails console --app cmusv-cedar
## To create an admin
heroku run script/rails console --app cmusv-cedar
user = User.find(1)
user.is_admin = true
The master code base is located at http://github.com/professor/whiteboard
To get code into the code base, fork the repository, make local modifications, verify that all the tests pass with rake, and do a pull reqeust to professor/whiteboard. The project owner responds to pull request quickly
If you have the ability to push code directly to heroku, first setup a git remote to the heroku repo with heroku git:remote -a git@heroku.com:cmusv-cedar.git
To then deploy code
git pull heroku master
git push heroku master
heroku pg:backups capture --app cmusv-cedar
heroku run rake db:migrate --app cmusv-cedar #this is only necessary if there are db schema changes
For additional information see https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/git
heroku pg:pull HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_COLOR_URL cmu_education_heroku --app cmusv-cedar