A Helm chart for the fylr application
see charts/fylr/
... if you do not want to deploy it as part of the fylr helm chart, e.g. to have a pool of execservers that work for many flyr instances:
For Issues and questions please write to support@programmfabrik.de
- Kubectl
- helm
- ct
- A Kubernetes test cluster, e.g. via Minikube, Kind or Docker-Desktop
- Yamllint, Yamale simply install these packages with
make dep-install
- Install the requirements
- Install the dependencies with
make dep-install
- Install a local Kubernetes cluster
- Install an Ingress Controller, e.g. nginx-ingress
make lint-execserver
make lint-fylr
make test-execserver
make test-fylr
make install-execserver
make install-fylr
make uninstall-execserver
make uninstall-fylr