cd file-upload-engine
bundle install
rails db:setup
rails s
You need to install imagemagick if it's not already on your system (which is used to resize any uploaded images)
brew install imagemagick
As there is not an smtp server set up for local development, when you first sign up it won't send an email with the confirmation link. Instead, you can find the link in the server logs. Simply copy and paste the link into a browser and this will confirm your email address.
As you don't want to be commiting access keys, logins, or generally anything you would want to remain a secret, you should be modifying the encrypted credentials.yml.enc file. To modify this file, type the below:
EDITOR="subl --wait" rails credentials:edit
When you are finished, simply close the file and it will be encrypted again.
If you are on a mac, installing postgres should be relatively easy. If postgres does not successfully install through the bundle command, you can use:
brew install postgres
On linux, the process is a bit more involved:
sudo apt-get install postgresql
Stopping the server on linux:
sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql stop
Starting the server on linux:
pg_ctl -D /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/var/postgres start