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Project Alvarium

Simulator Example (Golang)

In this readme you shall be able to run a basic simulator that stores random annotations, into our previously setup tangle

For simulation purposes, we have a function that outputs a random config file for parsing, you can edit the values directly.

Direct to simulator/configfile and access the gen.go file

type ConfigFile struct {
	SensorID          string
	SensorName        string
	GatewayName       string
	ServerName        string
	StorageName       string
	SensorType        string
	TangleLocation    string
	AnnotationOwners  []Owner
	Annotations       []collections.Annotation
	IOTAStreamID      string
	EmissionFrequency int64 `json:"ef"`
	NodeConfig        NodeConfig
	SubConfig         SubConfig
	// private string // An unexported field is not encoded.
	Created time.Time

This is the struct defining the fields of the expected configfile, you can add or remove based on what the actual ones are.

Edit the ConfigFile Values based on prefrences

func setRandomData() ConfigFile {
	rl := libs.RandLib{Charset: configuration.LetterBytes}
	cf := ConfigFile{}
	cf.SensorID = rl.StringWithCharset(8)
	cf.SensorName = "TestSensor3"
	cf.GatewayName = "TestGateWay"
	cf.ServerName = "TestServer"
	cf.StorageName = "TestStorage"
	cf.SensorType = "Binary"
	cf.TangleLocation = "Test"
	cf.AnnotationOwners = []Owner{Owner{Name: "IOTA", PrivateKey: "IOTAKey"}, {Name: "IBM", PrivateKey: "IBMKey"}, {Name: "Dell", PrivateKey: "DellKey"}}
	cf.Annotations = []collections.Annotation{{Ann: "policy"}, {Ann: "ownership"}}
	cf.IOTAStreamID = "s7g37gd"
	cf.EmissionFrequency = 10
	cf.Created = time.Now()
	cf.SubConfig = NewSubConfig(configuration.AnnAddress)
	cf.NodeConfig = NewNodeConfig(configuration.NodeUrl, configuration.NodeMwm)

	return cf


The function "setRandomData()" simply sets initial random values to the fields, these would be replaced later on with the actual values of the edge device.

Direct to main.go

  cf2 := configfile.ConfigFile{}
	cf2 = parseData()

In here you will find that the entry point will begin by exporting a config file and get the parsed values

	// Create a subscriber instance for annotator and await connection
	annSubscriber := iota.NewSubscriber(cf2.NodeConfig, cf2.SubConfig)

	// Add subscriber to array for dropping on shutdown
	subs = append(subs, annSubscriber)

Setting the iota stream to subscribe to the annotations stream

	// Create a subscriber instance for annotator and await connection
	annSubscriber := iota.NewSubscriber(cf2.NodeConfig, cf2.SubConfig)

	// Add subscriber to array for dropping on shutdown
	subs = append(subs, annSubscriber)

	// Create a new sensor with subscriber embedded
	newSensor := sensor.NewSensor(&sensorSubscriber, cf)
	// Create a new annotator with subscriber embedded
	newAnnotator := annotator.NewAnnotator(&annSubscriber)
	go newSensor.Schedule(time.Duration(cf.EmissionFrequency))

	rl := libs.RandLib{Charset: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" +
	newAnnotator.StoreAnnotation(cf.SensorID, rl.StringWithCharset(8))

Finally, initializing the sensor loop and storing the outcome annotation.

Run the following commands in the main directory:

If running for the first time

make build


make run

After building for the first time you can use:

go run main.go


Project Alvarium Simulator Example (Golang)






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