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Simple Ledger Mechanism via Laravel Eloquent


composer require wzulfikar\eloquent-simple-ledger


// find account from table `accounts`	
$account = \Wzulfikar\EloquentSimpleLedger\Account::findOrFail($your_account_id);

// assuming that current balance is 0
// and now we want to debit 500
// this will create new debit record in table `account_ledgers`
$account->debit(500, 'initial deposit');

// the balance now is 500
// which is previous balance (0) + current transaction (500)
echo $account->balance;

// let's withdraw some money.
// this will create new credit record in table `account_ledgers`
$account->credit(50, 'withdrawal');

// the balance now is 450
// which is previous balance (500) + current transaction (-50)
echo $account->balance;

Get account balance

$account = \Wzulfikar\EloquentSimpleLedger\Account::findOrFail($your_account_id);

Get Previous Balance


This method used to calculate the balance after each transaction.

Record New Debit

$account->debit($amount, $description);

Record New Credit

$account->credit($amount, $description);

Get Ledger Records


Behind The Scene

When a transaction happens, eloquent will create new row in account_ledgers table. If the transaction is debit, the debit column won't be null but the credit column will be, and vice versa. Then, it will get value of balance column from previous row (where the account_id is same as the account_id of new row) and add amount of transaction to get the balance of current transaction.

After the transaction finished, eloquent will cache the last balance of account_ledgers table in accounts table.

Table Definitions

Table accounts :

  • (int) id
    id of account
  • (int) balance
    current balance of account

Table account_ledgers :

  • (int) id
  • (int) account_id
  • (int) debit
    amount of debit, nullable.
  • (int) credit
    amount of credit, nullable.
  • (text) desc
    description of transaction, nullable.
  • (int) balance
    sum of previous balance and current transaction. this column ensures we have balance of a transaction of any time.

Table account_ledgers contains transactions from all accounts in table accounts. Both tables have balance column, but with different usage.

balance in account_ledgers records new balance after every transaction.

Example Debit :
if balance of last row is 50 and current row's debit is 10, then the balance of current row will be 50 + 10 = 60.

Example Credit :
if balance of last row is 60 and current row's credit is 20, then the balance of current row will be 60 + -(20) = 40.

Since balance of every transaction is recorded in account_ledgers, generating report (eg. bank-statement) will be easier.

The balance column in table accounts used to get balance of particular account, which is actually value of balance of last row in table account_ledgers of that particular account. This is to avoid querying whole rows in account_ledgers just to get balance of an account.

All rows in table account_ledgers are meant to be read-only data. A row can only be created, update or modification should not be processed.

debit, credit & balance are all integers by default.

Integrating with User Model

Say, you want to get balance of currently logged in user, which might be something like this:


you need to connect your user model with account model.

First, make sure the column account_id is available in table of your user model and it contains id of account that belongs to the user.

Secondly, add eloquent relationship in your user model:

// user model
public function account(){
	return $this->hasOne(Wzulfikar\EloquentSimpleLedger\Account::class);	


Copy files in package's migrations folder into your laravel's migrations folder and run php artisan migrate.

If you don't want to copy thus files into your app's migration folder, pass the path to package's migration files in artisan migrate command. Like this: php artisan migrate --path=vendor/wzulfikar/eloquent-simple-ledger/migrations

How it Looks

To see how it looks,

  • include package's routes.php into your app's routes.php :
    require_once base_path('vendor/wzulfikar/eloquent-simple-ledger/routes.php');
  • create dummy data for account and account_ledgers and then visit /ledger/{account_id}.

Sample View : No Data


Sample View : With Data


The sample view included some features:

  • export to excel, csv & pdf
  • reloading data using ajax
  • indicator for latest transaction
  • human friendly time using moment.js
  • responvie table, sortable columns & searchable -- yes, it uses datatables :)
  • debts indicator : balance will be red if it less than 0

Additional Panels

  • Transaction History



Simple ledger mechanism built with Laravel Eloquent






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