Ready-and-easy-to-use ARKit framework for the best user experience.
Augmented Reality in iOS has been a very big topic since Apple announced ARKit in WWDC 2017. The API has widely used to leverage 3D immersive user experience; however, in order to implement a good ARKit experience, there are a lot of small components to consider, and it takes a lot of time and effort. SamMiti-AR on iOS is an ARKit framework that has been made based on most of the basic user experiences aligning to Apple human interface guidelines and common functions ready for engineers to use.
The framework comes with the multiple-virtual-object handler that is ready to use with the SamMiti AR placing feature right away.
Influenced by AR Quick Look feature in iOS 12, with this feature, the virtual object can be placed without tapping anything on screen. When previewing one virtual object in AR, this would be the ideal way that most minimize all steps into one.
No more jumpy effect when virtual objects dragged. There is a smooth transition for all interactions even if the object gets dragged from the table to the floor.
SamMiti-AR on iOS has wrapped most of AR-and-3D-related functionalities in one place. That means a lot of time that needs to be spent on the basic structure will be reduced by using this framework.
For you information, the framework was made on top of ARSCNView (ARKit SceneView) which use SceneKit as an engine to render images, so you can expect a lot of sceneKit functions are referred in this framework.
- iOS 11.3+
- Xcode 9.0+
SamMitiAR is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
#for Xcode9 (iOS 11.3+)
pod 'SamMitiAR', '~> 1.0'
#for Xcode10 Beta
pod 'SamMitiAR', :git => '', :branch => 'features/xcode10-compatible'
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This framework was made on top of ARSCNView which utilizes both functionalities of SceneKit and ARKit. Moreover, the framework has several helper classes to setup the basic necessory augmented reality experience, load and place virtual objects, allow users to interact with the objects. The classes in the framework consist of ......
To Use SamMitiARView, after install SamMiti pod, you can simply create new ARSCNView in the storyboard, change the view to subClass to SamMitiView and create IBOutlet linking to your storyboard, or programatically initialize SamMitiARView in your view controller.
In your view controller, you will need to import SamMiti framework along with ARKit and SceneKit.
import SamMiti
import ARKit
import SceneKit
In order to have SamMitiView be able to call back to your view controller, the delegate method need to be defined, and ViewDidLoad function is a good place for it.
// SamMiti AR View Delegate
sceneView.samMitiARDelegate = self
To config some behaviors, you can do that in ViewDidLoad function of view controller. There are a few functions that need to be called before the view is initialied ARSession which includes enabling the camera auto focus function isAutoFocusEnabled
, .... and serveral optional functions that you can change when the ARSession is running.
// SamMiti AR View Configuration
sceneView.isAutoFocusEnabled = false
// SamMiti AR View Configuration can be changed along the ARSession is running
sceneView.hitTestPlacingPoint = CGPoint(x: 0.5, y: 0.5)
sceneView.isLightingIntensityAutomaticallyUpdated = true
sceneView.baseLightingEnvironmentIntensity = 6
To have SamMitiAR run, setup()
need to be called in View Will Appeare.
sceneView.setup(withDebugOptions: [])
Besides the setup()
function, session.pause()
still needs to be called when view will disappere to stop processing the ARSession when users leave the the view controller.
// Pause the view's AR session.
Work in Progress
There are two modes of placing virtual objects. One is called quickDrop
. This mode allows users to place virtual objects without tapping anything on screen, but it require users to move their devices to get ARKit initialize plane anchor. The other mode is called focusNode
. This mode allows users to use Focus Node (indicator focus point) to indicate where the virtual object will be placed, and users need to tap on the screen in order to have the virtual object placed at the desired spot.
// WIP image example of quickDrop mode
Example of quickDrop
// WIP image example focusNode mode
Example of focusNode
To set placing mode of SamMitiAR View, the property placingMode
need to be set to the desired mode. The best place to set this property is before function startAR() get called.
/// Example of setting SamMitiAR view to *quickDrop* mode
sceneView.placingMode = .quickDrop
Work in Progress
func prepareToPlaceVirtualObject() {
let virtualObjectScene = SCNReferenceNode(named: "art.scnassets/stubhub_model/stadium_1223.scn")!
let virtualObjectNode = SamMitiVirtualObject(refferenceNode: refNode, allowedAlignments: .all)
let virtualObjectGLTFNode = SamMitiVirtualObject(gltfUrl: URL(string: "")!, allowedAlignments: [.horizontal])
SamMitiVitualObjectLoader().loadVirtualObject(virtualObjectNode, loadedHandler: self.handleLoad)
func handleLoad(virtualNode: SamMitiVirtualObject?) {
guard let virtualNode = virtualNode else { return }
samMitiARView.currentVirtualObject = virtualNode
Work in Progress
func remove(virtualNode: SamMitiVirtualObject?) {
guard let virtualNode = virtualNode else { return }
samMitiARView.currentVirtualObject = virtualNode
if samMitiARView.placedVirtualObjects.contains(virtualNode) {
Work in Progress
Work in Progress
Work in Progress
samMitiARView.focusNode = SamMitiFocusNode(withNotFoundNamed: "art.scnassets/focus_node_not_found.scn",
estimatedNamed: "art.scnassets/focus_node_estimated.scn",
existingNamed: "art.scnassets/focus_node_existing.scn")
Work in Progress
Work in Progress
func trackingStateReasonChanged(to trackingStateReason: ARCamera.TrackingState.Reason?) {
guard let trackingStateReason = trackingStateReason else { return }
switch trackingStateReason {
case ARCamera.TrackingState.Reason.excessiveMotion:
messageLabelDisplay("Please move your phone slower")
case ARCamera.TrackingState.Reason.initializing:
messageLabelDisplay("Initializing AR Experience")
case ARCamera.TrackingState.Reason.insufficientFeatures:
messageLabelDisplay("Seems like there isn't enough light")
case ARCamera.TrackingState.Reason.relocalizing:
messageLabelDisplay("Relocalizing AR Experience")
Work in Progress
func samMitiViewWillPlace(_ virtualObject: SamMitiVirtualObject, at transform: SCNMatrix4) {
guard let virtualObjectName = else { return }
messageLabelDisplay("SamMiti will place \(virtualObjectName)")
let generator = UIImpactFeedbackGenerator(style: .heavy)
Work in Progress
To report a bug or enhancement request, feel free to file an issue under the respective heading.
If you wish to contribute to the project, fork this repo and submit a pull request.
Copyright (c) 2017 Prolific Interactive
SamMiti-AR-iOS is maintained and sponsored by Prolific Interactive. It may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.