Stable release for timeboard APIs, this doesn't work properly for the new Dashboard API.
6a14055 Add in client, converter, fixtures, tests, deps
ab5b30c Initial commit
274db36 Merge pull request #1 from promiseofcake/ljk/updates
f02564e Merge pull request #2 from promiseofcake/ljk/hack-events
c292c1f Merge pull request #4 from promiseofcake/ljk/fix-precision-unmarshall
f28f7f3 Merge pull request #5 from promiseofcake/ljk/fix-yaxis
53735a9 Merge pull request #9 from promiseofcake/ljk/board-string
5e746a1 feat: add test
e9288c3 feat: allow debug, refactor
5a89689 feat: dep update
15d7220 feat: hack for events, add aggregators
38f6ff3 fix: allow string based dashboard IDs * adjust script/test for Go 1.13
25c0638 fix: fix yaxis unmarshall
f893785 fix: move back to rodaine/hclencoder w/ merged fixes
ede6e11 fix: remove events
c0af540 fix: use zorkian unmarshaller for DD Precision
1c18795 hack: build event lists as Terraform requires them
415b3b6 update README