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ChatGPT StartlingByEachStep

Simple DSL with components:

- $$placeholder$$: placeholder
- $$response:1$$: means the second response, because array index start from 0


name: Interactive User Journey
category: Development
author: Phodal Huang
description: In this example, we will design a user journey for online shopping.
explain: |
  digraph G {
    0[flowType = "prompt"]
    1[flowType = "prompt,interactive"]
    2[flowType = "prompt,interactive"]
    3[flowType = "prompt,interactive"]
    4[flowType = "prompt,interactive"]
    0 -> 1
    1 -> 2
    1 -> 3
    1 -> 4

  - name: 设计用户旅程
    ask: |
      design a user journal for $$placeholder$$
      placeholder: online shopping
    cachedResponseRegex: .*

for explain:

  1. we use Graphviz to generate the graph, you can use Graphviz Online to generate the graph.
  2. number is the step index, and the custom is the step type, prompt is the normal step, interactive is the interactive step.