Simple DSL with components:
- $$placeholder$$: placeholder
- $$response:1$$: means the second response, because array index start from 0
name: Interactive User Journey
category: Development
author: Phodal Huang
description: In this example, we will design a user journey for online shopping.
explain: |
digraph G {
0[flowType = "prompt"]
1[flowType = "prompt,interactive"]
2[flowType = "prompt,interactive"]
3[flowType = "prompt,interactive"]
4[flowType = "prompt,interactive"]
0 -> 1
1 -> 2
1 -> 3
1 -> 4
- name: 设计用户旅程
ask: |
design a user journal for $$placeholder$$
placeholder: online shopping
cachedResponseRegex: .*
for explain:
- we use Graphviz to generate the graph, you can use Graphviz Online to generate the graph.
- number is the step index, and the
is the step type,prompt
is the normal step,interactive
is the interactive step.