This is a simple, text protocol for an imaginary stock exchange. I created it for my blog.
All message types follow the format HEADER|PAYLOAD|TRAILER (note that '|' is not included in the protocol).
The HEADER is very simple:
Field | Length | Type | Description |
SOH | 1 | STRING | Start of header. |
LEN | 3 | NUMERIC | Length of the payload (i.e. no header/trailer). |
The TRAILER is even simpler:
Field | Length | Type | Description |
ETX | 1 | STRING | End of text. |
The message types are:
Type | Description | Payload Spec |
NO | New Order | NO.csv |
OC | Order Confirmation | OC.csv |
TR | Trade | TR.csv |
RJ | Rejection | RJ.csv |
EN | Exchange News | EN.csv |
BO | Best Bid and Offer | BO.csv |
LO | Lough Out Loud (experimental) | LO.csv |
The specs dir contains the specification for each message type in CSV format.
First, clone this repo:
$ git clone
$ cd SOP
The easiest way to try out this repo, is using Vagrant with VirtualBox. Skip this part if you already have them installed. Otherwise
- Install VirtualBox. Make sure that VBoxManage is in the PATH.
- Install Vagrant. Make sure that vagrant is in the PATH.
- Install the following vagrant plugins:
- vagrant-hostmanager
- vagrant-vbguest
- vagrant-cachier
- vagrant-share
- vagrant-proxyconf (if you are behind a proxy)
See vagrant --help
for more info on installing plugins. Also note that the HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY env vars should be set if you are behind a proxy.
If you need to set a specific IP and/or you are behind a proxy, you can create the file Vagrantfile.local and setup the
and config.proxy
settings. You can also add extra "synced folders" of you wish. For example: "private_network", ip: ""
config.proxy.http = ""
config.proxy.https = ""
config.proxy.no_proxy = "localhost,"
config.vm.synced_folder "~/data", "/home/ubuntu/data", type: "virtualbox"
vagrant up
to start the box. Note that the first time you run this command, it will take a few minutes to download and provision the box.vagrant ssh
to ssh into the box.
to logout from the box.vagrant halt
to shutdown the box.