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File metadata and controls

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Environment variables are used to manage how the relay works. .env.example contains complete list of possible settings with their default values Some settings are used for deployment, i.e. database URL or number of processes for application server. Some settings are used to control business logic and supported NIPs. First let's discuss business logic settings.

Variable Description Default value Notes
HEARBEAT_INTERVAL amount of time connections are allowed to be idle 1200 seconds
RATE_LIMITING_SLIDING_WINDOW requests are counted during this amount of time 60 seconds
RATE_LIMITING_MAX_REQUESTS so many requests are available during time window 300 per IP address
WS_DEFLATE_ENABLED whether to enable websockets permessage deflate extension true
WS_DEFLATE_LEVEL compression level 9
WS_DEFLATE_MAX_WINDOW_BITS sliding window bits 15
LATEST_EVENTS_WINDOW how old (in days) events are considered latest 7 bigger value may lead to better query performance but more memory required for indexes
DEFAULT_ERRORS_FORMAT other option is JSON or "as is" TEXT experimental
AUTHORIZATION_TIMEOUT when NIP-43 min auth_level > 0 connection is blocked until authorization request is processed. This value defines timeout in seconds 10 seconds
FORCED_MIN_AUTH_LEVEL Authorization is implemented in levels, see here for more details 0
REQUIRED_AUTH_LEVEL_FOR_REQ min auth_level to execute REQ events 0 same applies to CLOSE events
REQUIRED_AUTH_LEVEL_FOR_EVENT min auth_level to execute EVENT events 0
REQUIRED_AUTH_LEVEL_FOR_COUNT min auth_level to execute COUNT events 0
MAILER_DEFAULT_FROM system emails will be sent on behalf of this address admin@nostr.localhost
DEFAULT_FILTER_LIMIT If filters in REQ event do not have limit this values applies 100
VALIDATE_ID_ON_SERVER whether to validate payload matches id on the server true This is already checked by WebsocketServer and is time-consuming but for consistency it is enabled by default
VALIDATE_SIG_ON_SERVER whether to validate sig matches id on the server true This is already checked by WebsocketServer and is time-consuming but for consistency it is enabled by default
NIP_04_NIP_42_ENFORCE_KIND_4_AUTHENTICATION If enforced, kind-4 events will only be sent by relay to those subscribers who are authenticated and have pubkey matching event's author pubkey or event's p-tag true
NIP_11_PUBKEY see NIP-11
NIP_11_LANGUAGE_TAGS see NIP-11 en en-419
NIP_11_TAGS see NIP-11
NIP_11_MAX_FILTERS see NIP-11 100
NIP_11_MAX_EVENT_TAGS see NIP-11 100
NIP_12_MAX_SEARCHABLE_TAG_VALUE_LENGTH single letter tags with values longer than this value won't be indexed 1000
NIP_13_MIN_POW validate event's id has minimum difficulty 0
NIP_22_CREATED_AT_IN_PAST oldest event to be persisted 31556952 seconds (default is 1 year)
NIP_22_CREATED_AT_IN_FUTURE the most futuristic event to be persisted 7889238 seconds (default is 3 months)
NIP_42_RESTRICT_CHANGE_AUTH_PUBKEY should it be possible to send different kind-22242 singed by different keys to change already authenticated pubkey false if disabled, clients should reconnect to authenticate other pubkey
NIP_42_CHALLENGE_WINDOW_SECONDS how much time NIP-42 auth challenge is valid for in seconds 600
NIP_43_FAST_AUTH_WINDOW_SECONDS how much time client has between generating kind-22242 event and using it for authentication 80
NIP_42_43_SELF_URL this should be equal to what users will add to their clients ws://localhost:3000 in fact, only host name is used for validation but this should be a valid URL
NIP_45_COUNT_COST_THRESHOLD PostgreSQL cost at which COUNT queries will calculate approximate result 0 higher number may lead to performance issues; set this value to 0 to always get exact results; accuracy of approximate result depends on many factors of how PostgreSQL is configured and maintained
NIP_50_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE PostgreSQL stemming dict to use by default simple details:
NIP_50_CONTENT_SEARCHABLE_KINDS Which content types should be searchable by full text 0 1 30023 space separated list of kinds
NIP_65_KINDS_EXEMPT_OF_AUTH consider min auth_level=4 enforced for EVENT commands but we still want NIP-65 events to pass through. Here we define space delimited kinds we allow processing without authorization 10002 in case FORCED_MIN_AUTH_LEVEL > 0, it won't work because connection won't even be established (space delimited list)
ADMIN_EMAIL if specified, user with this email will be created as admin who can sign in using UI to view admin dashboard only works once
ADMIN_PASSWORD password for this user only works once
TRUSTED_PUBKEYS list of pubkeys that will have highest auth_level=4 space delimited list, only works once
SHOULD_LOG_FILTERS log every REQ command filters false

Here lets review configuration related to payments:

Variable Description Default value Notes
DEFAULT_INVOICE_AMOUNT The value users see filled on the first page load 6000 sats
DEFAULT_INVOICE_PERIOD The value users see filled on the first page load 30 days
PRICE_PER_DAY Subscription daily price 200 sats
PROVIDER_API_KEY_OPEN_NODE Integration secret key
INVOICE_TTL How much time users have to pay the invoice 1200 seconds

Now let's briefly review general app settings:

Variable Description Default value
POSTGRES_USER DB username postgres
POSTGRES_HOST DB host localhost
POSTGRES_POOL number of connections in the pool. Usually must match RAILS_MAX_THREADS 5
REDIS_URL URL of RedisStack service for WebsocketServer redis://localhost:6379
SIDEKIQ_REDIS_URL URL of Redis service Sidekiq worker components redis://localhost:63790
REDIS_POOL_TIMEOUT Timeout for RedisStack connections pool wait time (seconds) 5
RAILS_MAX_THREADS max number of threads per puma worker. Must be tuned responsibly but usually anything greater than 5 doesn't mean profits for puma. But keep in mind, Sidekiq worker also depends on this variable so it should be adjusted accordingly 5
RAILS_MIN_THREADS min number of threads per puma worker. With stable traffic its better to have min === max, with burst traffic min should be lower than max 5
PORT application port 3000
PIDFILE path to pidfile tmp/pids/
WEB_CONCURRENCY number of puma workers (processes). Usually should match number of CPU cores but on practice should be determined based on the workload and resources 2
RAILS_ENV environment to run application, most of the time should be left default production
RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES Make Rails serve static file in /public directory. Most of the time Rails should run behind reverse proxy with this parameter set to false and reverse proxy to serve static assets
RAILS_LOG_TO_STDOUT logs destination
RAILS_LOG_LEVEL logs level warn
ACTIVE_RECORD_SLOW_QUERIES_THRESHOLD determines which queries are slow and should be logged (ms) 1000
ACTIVE_RECORD_LOG_SLOW_QUERIES whether to log slow queries or not (true/false) false
SECRET_KEY_BASE some random secret string for sessions and other stuff
SENTRY_DSN Sentry integration
NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY Newrelic integration
NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME Newrelic app name
NEW_RELIC_LOG_LEVEL Newrelic logs level
CI run full tests suite on CI
RUBY_YJIT_ENABLE enable YJIT for Ruby, its Docker-image-dependent, usually should be left default true