This is the artifact of the paper Learning Probabilistic Models for Static Analysis Alarms to appear in ICSE 2022.
To run the experiments in the paper, we used a 64-core (Intel Xeon Processor Gold 6226R, 2.90 GHz) machine with 128 GB of RAM and Ubuntu 20.04. We recommend running the experiments with at least 10-core machine with 32 GB of RAM.
We provide the artifact as a Docker image. To launch the BayeSmith Docker image, run the following commands:
docker pull prosyslab/bayesmith
docker run -it prosyslab/bayesmith
It takes about 10 minutes to load the image.
Most of the experiments take a long time. For convenience, all the data obtained from the instructions below are already shipped in the Docker image. Also, we report the approximated running time of each instruction.
├─ <- The top-level README (this file)
├─ datalog <- Learned Datalog rules
│ ├─ BufferOverflow.dl <- The initial rule used for
│ │ the interval analysis
│ │
│ ├─ IntegerOverflow.dl <- The initial rule used for
│ │ the taint analysis
│ │
│ ├─ BufferOverflow.<PROGRAM>.dl <- The learned rules for the
│ │ interval analysis of <PROGRAM>
│ │
│ ├─ IntegerOverflow.<PROGRAM>.dl <- The learned rules for the
│ │ taint analysis of <PROGRAM>
│ │
│ ├─ TBufferOverflow.<PROGRAM>.dl <- The modified versions of learned
│ │ rules for the interval analysis
│ │ in a way that considers feedback
│ │ from dynamic analysis (FSE 2021)
│ │
│ └─ TIntegerOverflow.<PROGRAM>.dl <- The modified versions of learned
│ rules for the taint analysis
│ in a way that considers feedback
│ from dynamic analysis (FSE 2021)
├─ rank-plots
│ └─ <PROGRAM>.pdf <- Plots showing the ranking
│ performance for <PROGRAM>
│ (Figure 6)
├─ bayesmith <- Main implementation
│ ├─ sparrow <- The Sparrow static analyzer
│ │
│ ├─ bin
│ │ └─ <- Script for running Sparrow and
│ │ Bingo
│ │
│ ├─ bingo <- Modules for learning and alarm
│ │ ranking algorithms
│ │
│ └─ benchmarks <- Benchmark programs
│ ├─ sparrow/<PROGRAM>.c <- Preprocessed program
│ └─ label.json <- Bug label of the program
├─ dynaboost <- Implementation for Dynaboost
│ adapted from FSE 2021
└─ drake <- Implementation for Drake adapted
from PLDI 2019
BayeSmith is based on static analysis results. The following command runs our static analyzer, Sparrow on a benchmark program. Internally, when the analysis is done, it runs the baseline probabilistic model, Bingo:
cd ~/bayesmith
# run Sparrow (static analyzer) for one benchmark
bin/ analyze benchmarks/<PROGRAM>/<VERSION>
# run Bingo (probabilistic model) for one benchmark
bin/ rank benchmarks/<PROGRAM>/<VERSION>
# run both Sparrow and Bingo for all benchmarks
For example, bin/ analyze benchmarks/sort/7.2
and bin/ rank benchmarks/sort/7.2
run Sparrow and Bingo
for sort
, version 7.2
, respectively. In the case of sort
, it takes about an hour to finish. Running all benchmarks
takes 3-4 hours to finish.
Then, run the following command to check the Bingo results (column Bingo_M, Table 2):
script/bingo/ baseline
The last column reports the number of interactions.
The following command runs BayeSmith for a certain type of analysis (interval
or taint
) and a program.
bingo/learn -reuse -analysis_type [ interval | taint ] <PROGRAM>
For example, bingo/learn -reuse -analysis_type interval sort
launches a learning task for the interval
analysis for sort
(i.e., all the other benchmark programs are used for training).
The learned Datalog rule (rule-final.dl
file) with the above command will be generated under learn-out/sort
In the case of sort
, it takes about 6 hours to finish. In the worst case, it takes about 12 hours.
The shipped Datalog rules for pre-learned models are located in the following paths:
- Interval analysis:
- Taint analysis:
The following command runs Bingo with the learned rules.
bingo/learn -test -timestamp final -analysis_type [ interval | taint ] -dl_from <DL_FILE> <PROGRAM>
For example, one can run Bingo for sort
with the learned rule with the following command.
# run Bingo with the set of rules generated by oneself
bingo/learn -test -timestamp final -analysis_type interval -dl_from learn-out/sort/rule-final.dl sort
# run Bingo with the pre-learned set of rules
bingo/learn -test -timestamp final -analysis_type interval -dl_from ~/datalog/BufferOverflow.sort.dl sort
The number of interactions will be printed in stdout
and the log file (learn-out/sort/test.log
In the case of sort
, it takes about 30 min. to finish. In the worst case, it takes at most an hour to complete.
The following command shows the performance of learned models (column BayeSmith in Table 2).
script/bingo/ final
The last column reports the number of interactions.
The following command generates plots comparing the ranking performance of Bingo and BayeSmith in script/rank-history-plot/images-final
script/rank-history-plot/ baseline final
The following command compares the size of Bayesian networks before and after the learning.
It generates bnet-size.csv
as the numbers reported in Table 5.
The following command runs an EM algorithm to find optimal weights with the fixed set of rules. We set a timeout of 12 hours for convergence. When the training is done, it runs the test with the trained model.
# run EM algorithm and test for one benchmark
script/bingo/ [ interval | taint ] <PROGRAM>
# run EM algorithm and test for all benchmarks
For example, script/bingo/ interval sort
trains a model using EM algorithm for the interval
analysis for sort
(i.e., all the other benchmark programs are used for training).
Then, the trained model is tested, and the result can be found in benchmarks/sort/7.2/sparrow-out/interval/bingo_stats-em.txt
The number of interactions is #(lines of the result file) - 1
In the case of sort
, it takes 12 hours to finish.
Running all benchmarks takes about 13 hours to complete.
The following command shows the performance of weight-learned models while preserving the structures (column Bingo_EM, Table 2).
script/bingo/ em
Note that we repeated five times for each program and reported the average in the paper. The numbers may differ from those reported in the paper because of the randomness in initial weights.
The following command runs Bingo using a refined set of rules that are derived by uniformly unrolling all the components of the initial set of rules by once (Bingo_U).
# run Bingo_U for one benchmark
script/bingo/ [ interval | taint ] <PROGRAM>
# run Bingo_U for all benchmarks
For example, script/bingo/ interval sort
runs Bingo for interval analysis for sort
with the uniformly refined set of rules.
The result can be found in benchmarks/sort/7.2/sparrow-out/interval/bingo_stats-unroll.txt
The number of interactions is #(lines of the result file) - 1
In the case of sort
, it takes about 30 min. to finish.
Running all benchmarks takes about 2 hours to complete.
The shipped Datalog rules for refined models are located in the following paths:
- Interval analysis:
- Taint analysis:
The following command shows the performance of uniformly refined models while preserving the weights (column Bingo_U, Table 2).
script/bingo/ unroll
To run Drake only, run the following commands:
cd ~/drake
. setenv
# run Drake for one benchmark
./ sound 0.001 <PROGRAM>
# run Drake for all benchmarks
./ sound 0.001
For example, ./ sort && ./ sound 0.001 sort
runs Drake for sort
The result can be found in benchmark/sort-7.2/sparrow-out/interval/bingo_delta_sem-eps_strong_0.001_stats.txt
The number of interactions is #(lines of the result file) - 1
In the case of sort
, it takes about an hour.
Running all benchmarks takes about 12 hours to finish.
To run Drake with learned models by BayeSmith, run the following commands:
# run Drake with learned models for one benchmark
./ <PROGRAM> --bayesmith
./ sound 0.001 <PROGRAM> --bayesmith
# run Drake with learned models for all benchmarks
./ --bayesmith
./ sound 0.001 --bayesmith
For example, ./ sort --bayesmith && ./ sound 0.001 sort --bayesmith
runs Drake with learned model for sort
The result can be found in benchmark/sort-7.2/sparrow-out/interval/bingo_delta_sem-eps_strong_0.001_bayesmith_stats.txt
The number of interactions is #(lines of the result file) - 1
In the case of sort
, it takes about an hour.
Running all benchmarks takes about 6 hours to finish.
To run DynaBoost only, run the following commands:
cd ~/dynaboost
# run DynaBoost for one benchmark
cd ~/bingo-ci-experiment
cd ~/dynaboost/eval
# run DynaBoost for all benchmarks
cd ~/bingo-ci-experiment
cd ~/dynaboost/eval
For example, cd ~/bingo-ci-experiment && ./ sort; cd ~/dynaboost/eval && ./ sort-7.2; ./ sort
runs DynaBoost for sort
The result can be found in ~/bingo/sorttrue-stats.txt
The number of interactions is #(lines of the result file) - 1
In the case of sort
, it takes about two hours.
Running all benchmarks takes about 18 hours to finish.
To run DynaBoost with learned models by BayeSmith, run the following commands:
# run DynaBoost with learned models for one benchmark
cd ~/bingo-ci-experiment
./ <PROGRAM> --bayesmith
cd ~/dynaboost/eval
./ <PROGRAM> --bayesmith
# run DynaBoost with learned models for all benchmarks
cd ~/bingo-ci-experiment
./ --bayesmith
cd ~/dynaboost/eval
./ --bayesmith
For example, cd ~/bingo-ci-experiment && ./ sort --bayesmith; cd ~/dynaboost/eval && ./ sort --bayesmith
runs DynaBoost with learned model for sort
The result can be found in ~/bingo/sortbayesmith-stats.txt
The number of interactions is #(lines of the result file) - 1
In the case of sort
, it takes about an hour.
Running all benchmarks takes about 12 hours to finish.
The following command generates drake-bayesmith.pdf
and dynaboost-bayesmith.pdf
, showing the effectiveness of BayeSmith in each application (Figure 5).
cd ~/bayesmith
The following command compares the number of observed false generalizations and their average magnitude before and after the learning.
cd ~/bayesmith
It generates bnet-fg.csv
as the numbers reported in Table 3.
One can run BayeSmith (i.e., train a probabilistic model) with leave-N-out settings by specifying N programs.
The set of N programs becomes the test set, and the rest is the training set.
In Table 4, BayeSmith_80
uses about 80% of the benchmarks as training data, i.e., N = 2.
We repeated ten times per analysis to report the numbers in BayeSmith_80
Those combinations tried by us can be found in bayesmith-80-combi.txt
The following command runs BayeSmith with the specified training sets.
cd ~/bayesmith
script/bingo/ bayesmith-80-combi.txt
It takes about 12 hours to finish.
The following command compares the statistics (average and standard deviation) of the number of user interactions between the cases of 90% and 80% of benchmark programs are used as training sets.
cd ~/bayesmith
It generates diff-train.csv
, as the numbers reported in Table 4.
Moreover, the following command runs BayeSmith with the variant of the training sets.
bingo/learn -reuse -analysis_type [ interval | taint ] <PROGRAM_1> .. <PROGRAM_N>
For example, bingo/learn -reuse -analysis_type interval sort grep
launches a learning task for the interval
analysis for sort
and grep
(i.e., all the other benchmark programs are used for training).
The learned Datalog rule (rule-final.dl
file) with the above command will be generated under learn-out/sort-grep
In the case of sort
and grep
, it takes about 2 hours to finish.
In the worst case, it takes about 4 hours to complete.