Static Patch Transplantation Tool
- Opam
- Sparrow (added to your $PATH)
- Python3
Run the following command to build Patron
$ ./
- A pair of buggy and patched versions of the program
- The donor project directory must have the following structure.
│ ├ x.c
│ └ sparrow-out
└--patch ├ ...
├ y.c
└ sparrow-out
├ ...
- Each .c file must be parsed into CIL format.
- Run the following to parse your c program into cil_file (output saved at the same directory as the original c file).
$ ./bin/cil_parser path/to/your/c/file
- A C Program with Sparrow Analysis Results
directory (output of Sparrow) must be within the same directory with the C Program.
First, make sure you analyze your donor programs and donee program.
To do so, run the following command
$ cd <Target Directory>
$ ./bin/sparrow [-io | -tio | -mio | -pio | -dz | -nd | -bo] <Target C Program>
Note that <Target Directry>
is where your C file is located at.
The options indicate the following:
-io : Analyze for Integer Overflow only
-tio : Analyze for Multiplication Integer Overflow only
-mio : Analyze for Subtraction Integer Overflow only
-pio : Analyze for Addition Integer Overflow only
-dz : Analyze for Divide-by-zero only
-nd : Analyze for Null Pointer Dereference only
-bo : Analyze for Buffer Overflow only
$ ./patron dtd <Donor Directory> <Donee Directory> <True Alarm #>
Here, Donor and Donee Directory are as described in the Prerequisites section.
True Alarm #
refers to the alarm of the bug program under .../<Donor Directory>/bug/sparrow-out/taint/datalog
Sparrow provides sparrow-out/taint/datalog/
file that describes the line numbers and alarm numbers from the analysis results.
Find the true alarm number from the directories under .../<Donor Directory>/bug/sparrow-out/taint/datalog
For example, You can run
$ ./test/sparrow-all # analyze all the test programs
$ ./patron dtd test/donors/example01/ test/example01_donee1 0
Then, patron-out
directory is created.
You can check the patch result at patron-out/result__0_diff.patch
--- /root/patron-artifact-new/patron/patron-out/orig__0_0.c 2024-12-31 14:09:43.068967624 +0900
+++ /root/patron-artifact-new/patron/patron-out/patch__0_0.c 2024-12-31 14:09:43.068967624 +0900
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/* Generated by CIL v. 1.7.4 */
/* print_CIL_Input is false */
extern int ( /* missing proto */ getchar)() ;
#line 1 "main.c"
int main(void)
@@ -32,6 +32,9 @@
#line 11
return (1);
+ if ((int )x * (int )y > 127) {
+ return (1);
+ }
#line 13
c = (char )((int )x * (int )y);
#line 15
Note that the alarm must correspond to the bug that is patched by the donor patched program
Patron also provides features to construct a pattern database.
Run the following.
$ ./patron db <Donor Directory> <True Alarm #>
For example, Running
$ ./test/sparrow-all # analyze all the test programs
$ ./patron db test/donors/example01/ 0
will generate patron-DB
If you continue running this command with other donor programs, the pattern gets accumulated into patron-DB
Then, you can run
$ ./patron patch <Donee Directory>
For example,
$ ./patron patch test/example01_donee1
Then you get the same results as the direct transplantation in the previous section.
The patron-out
directory provides several files including encoding details for Z3 solver and output of the solver
For example,
<Alarm #>_ans.smt2
and<Alarm #>
are the raw results of solver.diff
is the AST diff result.log.txt
is the log file.buggy_numer_formula
is the encoded logical formula for the solver.