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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Vojtěch Bubník edited this page Dec 20, 2021 · 7 revisions

What is the correct spelling: Plater or Platter?

Feel free to discuss at #2074 or #1226.

Why there is an extrusion hanging in the air over a multi material wipe tower?

That is the final ramming before the filament is pulled from the nozzle and parked into the filament switcher (MMU1) or unloaded into the MMU unit (MMU2). See #1355 for further details.

Why is the jerk unit in mm/s, if the physical unit shall be rate of change in acceleration = mm/s^3?

The GRBL project overloaded the term of "jerk" to define maximum instantaneous velocity change, which is easier to be implemented by 8bit controllers, and most of today's 3D printer firmwares are based on the GRBL planner. See #1355 for further details.

Strange pattern on a flat surface

A perfectly flat surface may not stay perfectly flat after being rotated in a 3D modelling software. If the slicer happens to slice across such a no more perfectly flat surface, weird one layer thick islands may show up. See #1448 and #2434 for further details.

What is the difference in prusa-slicer.exe and prusa-slicer-console.exe?

The two binaries wrap PrusaSlicer.dll, they do exactly the same thing with the only difference, that prusa-slicer-console.exe opens a console window where one may watch for the logging output, while the other does not open a console window.

Why there is no prusa-slicer-console on Linux or OSX?

There is no need for it, as prusa-slicer writes into console on Linux and OSX by default.

PrusaSlicer won't start on Ubuntu

This may be due to missing package overlay-scrollbar-gtk2, install it using the following command:

sudo apt-get install --reinstall overlay-scrollbar-gtk2

See #2398 for detail.