Ostinato has switched to using XDP instead of DPDK for achieving high speeds. See Ostinato Turbo Transmit.
🏆 Solo Prize Winner - 6WIND Speed Matters: The Challenge Contest
Slide-deck: http://www.slideshare.net/pstavirs/dpdk-accelerated-ostinato
Prototype Implementation to accompany the above slides (code imported from http://code.google.com/r/pstavirs-dpdk/)
This code is unsupported and not maintained. There are other forks of this code that are more recent -
However, the above forks also don't seem to be maintained and supported (to the best of my knowledge).
If you would like to take this prototype implementation ahead and are willing to maintain and support it going forward, I (as the Ostinato lead developer) will work with you to put in a plugin framework where the DPDK implementation can be added as a plugin that can be developed and maintained separately from the main project.
Contact me if you are interested.