tested with Java 8, developed with IntelliJ and cmd line
it assumes SWI-Prolog 7.x for compiling from .pl to .pl.nl files
- go.sh add
- go.sh perms
- go.sh queens
- go.sh < any pure Prolog program in directory prog >
with Prolog files assumed having suffix .pl
- doc/paper.pdf (A Hitchhiker's Guide to Reinventing a Prolog Machine)
for some motivations for this and justification of implementation choices
a swi prolog script first compiles the code to a pl.nl file, than Main calls stuff in Engine which loads it in memory and runs it
- int
- ground
- var (U+V)
- ref
- array
see main code (~1000lines) in Engine.java
pl2nl.pl compiles a .pl file to its .nl equivalent, ready to run by the java based runtime system
natint.pl emulates its work by compiling back .nl files to Prolog clauses
- design a self-contained compiler
- convert to C for more effective benchmarking against C-based Prolog systems
- faster runtime: memory efficiency - eg recursive loop, LCO code to be mem_copied with ptrs to var/ref cells to be relocated?
no symbol tables: a symbol is just a (small) ground array of ints, and instead of a symbol table we would have a "ground cache" - that helps with better memory usege and also speed
when a non-ground compound tries to unify with a ground, the ground term is expanded to the heap
when a ground unifies with a ground - it's just pointer equality and when a var unifies with a ground, it just points to it - as if it were a constant
Paul Tarau
August 2017