Releases: ptarmiganlabs/butler-sos
butler-sos: v11.0.3
11.0.3 (2024-10-23)
Bug Fixes
- config: Add missing property in sample config file (51b64b3), closes #930
- config: Allow empty New Relic destination array in config file (9601a9c), closes #929
- influxdb2: Allow pos/neg engine cache values (f9d8ecb), closes #933
- startup: Make sure log level can be set via command line (45733c9), closes #932
- startup: Make sure no attempts to access InfluxDB if it is disabled in config file (4010a1c), closes #931
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butler-sos: v11.0.2
11.0.2 (2024-10-21)
Bug Fixes
- build: Pre-build binaries no longer crash in some conditions during startup (dbaece8), closes #924
- startup: Better detection of invalid config file structure and content (befc5ee), closes #925
- deps: Update dependencies (6b6c965)
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butler-sos: v11.0.1
11.0.1 (2024-09-20)
- Remove Postgress dependency, as log db support has been discontinued (94aea42)
- Remove leftover references to Postgress log db in the code (1c3fbcc)
- Update README file badges (0eb42c1)
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🛡 VirusTotal GitHub Action analysis:
butler-sos: v11.0.0
11.0.0 (2024-09-20)
The highlight of Butler SOS 11.0 is the introduction of detailed, real-time monitoring of individual app objects.
In other words: You can monitor in real time how much memory and time specific charts, tables etc in Sense apps use.
When end users complain about apps being slow, it is now possible to get actual numbers in real time.
This version also has a couple of breaking changes.
First, the format of the config file has been slightly updated so all name-value pairs have the same syntax in the config file.
The reason for them having different syntax is simply historical - some parts of Butler SOS are 5+ years old, others are brand new.
When new features have been added, sometimes naming in the config file has not been perfect (in retrospect..)
Second, support for the Postgres logging database that used to be part of client-managed Qlik Sense has been removed.
You have to remove the associated parts of the config file.
Butler SOS will tell you upon startup if something is wrong in the config file, so you can simply start Butler SOS and see what it complains about, then remove the associated entries in the config file.
- log-db: Remove support for getting logs from Sense log db
- config: Make naming of InfluxDB tags consistent across entire config file
- qix performance: Add fine-grained performance monitoring for app objects (818c702), closes #320
- qs-event: Categorise events from Qlik Sense as user created or automated (9c1bb5b), closes #889
- qs-events: Add counters for incoming Qlik Sense events (e8d8a13), closes #884
Bug Fixes
- config-vis: Cosmetic changes to config visualisation web page (5285967)
- config: Make naming of InfluxDB tags consistent across entire config file (0ed25d5), closes #890
- config: Validate hostname, url and pasword fields in config file. (4a7671e)
- docker: Update sample docker-compose file wrt Butler SOS 11.0 (7336fb7)
- deps: Update dependencies (6c4e02f)
- log-db: Remove support for getting logs from Sense log db (6e7043b), closes #860
- Make config file verification more robust (9be5d8a), closes #902
- Minor tweak (2c1ffd3)
🛡 VirusTotal GitHub Action analysis:
butler-sos: v10.2.1
butler-sos: v10.2.0
10.2.0 (2024-08-20)
- config: Show info at startup whether Docker is used or not (aff1855), closes #861
- config: Visualise obfuscated config file in Butler SOS hosted web page (2b067c8), closes #858
- logs: Add categorisation of Qlik Sense log events (3fbdccf), closes #849
Bug Fixes
- config: Better config file verification (and exit app when incorrect) (510a583), closes #857
- config: More thorough verification of config file structure (bb46e00), closes #857
- new-relic: Allow empty static uptime attributes w/o errors (c2b1579), closes #863
- new-relic: Better error messages when there is no New Relic config, but NR features are enabled (d937208), closes #863
- deps: Update dependencies (8ca9558)
- Major update - refactored entire code base from CJS > ESM (ae4083b), closes #859
🛡 VirusTotal GitHub Action analysis:
butler-sos: v10.1.1
butler-sos: v10.1.0
10.1.0 (2024-06-04)
Bug Fixes
- influxdb: Flush data to InfluxDB v2 every 5 seconds (2384b6c)
- influxdb: Storing proxy session data in InfluxDB v1 works again (45312d7), closes #816
- telemetry: Update telemetry data to reflect current config options (1ba4391), closes #813
🛡 VirusTotal GitHub Action analysis:
butler-sos: v10.0.0
10.0.0 (2024-06-03)
While this version added support for InfluxDB v2, it accidentally also broke support for InfluxDB v1.
A bug fix is actively being worked on and is expected shortly.
- Added support for InfluxDB v2, config file format has changed
The new/updated file format is found in the production_template.yaml` file that is included in the release ZIP file below.
It is also available here.
Butler SOS will verify your config file on startup and tell if something is wrong with it.
Bug Fixes
- config: Allow empty arrays in config file (df98478)
- config: Make template YAML config file easier to get started with by commenting out all optional array values (a26d0f0), closes #808
- log-event: Make handling of log and user events sent from QS server more robust (45822c5), closes #806
- log-events: Ensure only QS engine messages are forwarded as qseow-engine messages to Butler SOS (9dcc328), closes #805
- logdb: Don't set up log db data structures if that feature is disabled in config file (153ad9d)
- startup: Add 5 second delay during startup to make that phase more robust (4e75727)
- startup: Make indentation of startup info consistent (0d70f52), closes #761
- uptime: Round uptime seconds value to whole seconds (16097a0), closes #807
- deps: Update dependencies (95be9a0)
- deps: Update dependencies (a56f5a7)
- deps: Update dependencies to stay safe and secure (e7ba150)
- config: Remove support for old config file formats now that all config file settings are mandatory (350f57c)
- Remove support for old, long deprecated config file formats (1d6989e)
- Added support for InfluxDB v2, config file format has changed (97e5faa)
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