Online Bus Booking system for more fast and easily available service for people so that there's no loss of valuable time and wastage of unnecessary resources.
- No need to stand in queue for Booking
- Privacy and Security
- Reducess Paper Work
- Save Agent cost
- The system has a register page in which the customer can register via personal details.
- The passenger then ‘Login’ to book the ticket from the window.
- All the details entered on this window are saved in the database.
- All the details regarding arrival and departure, and the type of buses available are shown here.
- Rental services of buses are provided by our team.
- The main objective is to provide customer the best service with efficiency.
- Providing a web-based bus ticket reservation function where a customer can buy bus ticket through the online system without a need to queue up at the counter to purchase a bus ticket.
- Enabling customers to check the availability and types of buses online as well as if they are planning for family trip then we provide buses for rent too.Customer can check the time of arrival and departure for every Bus-Cap bus through the system.
- The database of our system gets updated from time to time to get detailed and accurate information about tickets.
- This application gives utmost importance to security and usability.