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Begin your exploration into the world of robotics software engineering with a practical, system-focused approach to programming robots using the ROS framework and C++. In addition, learn and apply robotics software engineering algorithms such as localization, mapping, and navigation.
master | Kinetic + Ubuntu Xenial | Melodic + Ubuntu Bionic |
Learn how to build a robot in Gazebo environment and Gazebo plugins. Simulate a custom world with buildings and other custom made objects.
master | Kinetic + Ubuntu Xenial | Melodic + Ubuntu Bionic |
An overview of the Robot Operating System(ROS 1) Middle framework and ros workspace setup. It includes how to create new packages and their structures. A detailed description of how to write nodes with subscribes and publishers.
master | Kinetic + Ubuntu Xenial | Melodic + Ubuntu Bionic |
An Introduction to basic localization algorithms and concepts. A project where an implementation of where I am has been done using AMCL algorithm.
master | Kinetic + Ubuntu Xenial | Melodic + Ubuntu Bionic |
Introduction to mapping and SLAM algorithms. Mapping includes occupancy grip mapping algorithms + GridBasedFastSLAM + GraphSLAM, where the user can map an environment and then localize onto.