Editor revamp 2020 first release
Quoting @shreyaa-sharmaa in #555
Great work, team!
Over a month into GSoc and a month and half into Outreachy, we are ready to release a new version of PLE ❤️ These are some of the changes introduced:
Changes for users
- Remove File Button Added: #472
Now the image added in the main image module could be removed with just a click. - Fix: Disabling of Markdown buttton on using shortcut keys #465
Earlier pressing CTRL+M disabled the Markdown button. Now, It has been fixed. - A better UI with a toolbar that hovers only over the textarea (#522) and improved Choose file button (#462)
- Jest-puppeteer for UI testing by @shreyaa-sharmaa in #532 #541
- User workflow for documenting bugs by @Shulammite-Aso in #530
- Issue template chooser by @Shulammite-Aso in #474
Modifications/ Improvements
- Remove file button added by @NitinBhasneria in #472
- UI refinements: Stickiness of toolbar by @Shulammite-Aso in #522
- UI refinements: Choose file button UI improved by @NitinBhasneria in #462
- Nodejs version updated to 10 and 12 by @shreyaa-sharmaa in #554
- Fix: Disabling of Markdown buttton on using shortcut keys by @keshav234156 in #465