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Trevor Pugh edited this page Mar 8, 2016 · 2 revisions

Provides a complete summary of the VisCap analysis

Stores the R workspace for each VisCap run

Compares normalized, fractional coverage of each exon across all samples

Displays the distribution of log2 ratios for each sample by box-and-whisker plots

Provides the summary metrics and pass/fail status for each sample in the batch based on the analysis of all genes in the region of interest

Shows the average coverage of all data points on the X chromosome for males and females in the batch before any scale or compensation for males only having one X. All males will look deleted as compared to females.

Provides the pre-scale summary metrics and pass/fail status for each sample based on the analysis of X chromosome genes in the region of interest

Shows the average coverage of all data points on the X chromosome for males and females in the batch after any scale or compensation for males only having one X. Males and females should behave similarly.

Provides the post-scale summary metrics and pass/fail status for each sample based on the analysis of X chromosome genes in the region of interest

Provides computationally predicted patient genders based on pre-scale X plots

Contains all calls for all intervals across all samples [losses=-1, copy-neutral=0, gains=1]

Contains all log2 ratios for all intervals across all samples in the batch

.cleaned.plot.pdf [one file per sample]
Displays the log2 ratios across all intervals overlaid with the threshold lines used for copy number variation detection

.cleaned.cnvs.xls [one file per sample]
Provides the metrics, genomic coordinates, and gene/exon identity for each copy number variation detected